
Rate My Professors (32)

SLAV152A . 9 Months Ago

1 midterm 1 final and three writing assignments. She only gave us 2 writing assignments this time though. Midterm and final were supposed to be in person but was changed to online. Pretty easy class, but the content can be very confusing and seem out of place. Listen to what she has to say in class and take notes and you should be fine.

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SLAV152C . 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

If you need an easy writing GE this would be a good choice, but you do have to actually go to this "class" twice a week, walking or biking or commuting some other way, only to leave after 30 minutes sometimes. Wasted minutes too bc nothing is ever said in the class that isnt already explained literally on day 1. Feels like a fever dream most days

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SLAV152C . 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

Personally think Professor is having a great deal of stuff outside of her life rn.Very sweet and cares deeply about the subject but the lectures lack personality and are repetitive.Significantly contrast to some previous reviews. shes sweet and you will likely receive a good grade,but is a tough ask to go to but most reviews seem to disagree so idk

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SLAV152C . 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

I took this class as an elective with a friend because we thought it would be cool based on the course description, but it was actually nothing but garbage media clips that demonstrated essentially nothing about anything. Everybody was just okay with it because it's easy, but this is objectively the worst class I have ever taken. Not even a class

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SLAV152C . 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

Completely fake class. Least legitimate thing I've ever taken, high school and probably middle school included. Insulting that this is a university class. It's a free 100% but if you care even slightly about your time or about education as an idea, don't do this to yourself. Don't fall for the interesting course description on GOLD like I did.

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CLIT115 . 2 Years Ago

This class is fine, but is nothing to write home about. Lecture consisted nearly entirely of summaries of the texts we read for class and nearly no interpretation, and students were at times discouraged from providing interpretation due to a lack of cultural understanding. That being said, McClain is a delight and cares about her students' success.

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SLAV152A . 2 Years Ago

Professor McClain is very nice and understanding. The course consists of 3 essays, weekly readings, a midterm and final. As long as you keep up with the readings and attend lectures you'll get an A. I actually learned a lot from the class and enjoyed it and the professor thoroughly.

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RUSS1 . 3 Years Ago

She is super nice BUT DO NOT TAKE RUSSIAN ONLINE IT WAS AWFUL SO DISORGANIZED. You basically teach yourself Russian. Random quiz assignments and they posted the homework late on Tuesday despite us being assigned work on Monday. So we would all automatically be behind.

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RUSS2 . 4 Years Ago

Katia is one of the most caring profs I have had in my time here. She is accessible and while she is laid back she makes sure you are still learning the material. There are weekly vocab quizzes, just like Russian 1, and homework is due almost everyday in class. Besides that it's easy peasy!

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RUSS1 . 4 Years Ago

Katia is truly amazing. The class is run like a high school language class because of the small size and large participation element. There are no papers or readings, just an interactive online textbook and homework. It is a very easy class and I really recommend that you take it if you have even the smallest desire to learn Russian.

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RUSS1 . 4 Years Ago

Great professor! Very nice, and I learned a lot

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SLAV33 . 5 Years Ago

Super nice and calm professor. Her voice is pretty soothing and calls for a great nap in class haha. She is really sweet and is always willing to answer any questions you may have. Since she also gives you a study guide and test before the midterms and finals, the class is a pretty easy A. Take her!

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SLAV152C . 5 Years Ago

Katia is really nice and genuinely cares about Eastern Europe culture.

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SLAV152C . 8 Years Ago

Dr. McClain is a kind, passionate teacher and her lectures are funin SLAV152C we watched movie clips most days. By far the easiest class I've ever taken.

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SLAV145 . 8 Years Ago

EASY CLASS AND SWEET WOMAN! Took her because I'm a linguistics major but had never taken a slavic class before and she was very helpful throughout everything. I added the class late and failed the first quiz but still ended up getting an A. Just show up to every class and show Katia that you care about getting a good grade and you'll do fine.

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SLAV164C . 8 Years Ago

Katia is genuinely one of my favorite professors ever. She really truly cares about the subjects she teaches and is infinitely knowledgeable. I took Slav 1 2 3 with her as well. She's not a tough grader, she understands that things come up and will give you extensions if needed. Don't miss class, especially if you aren't doing the readings.

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SLAV164B . 9 Years Ago

Great lectures on interesting material. Assigned a ton of reading but was very thorough in lecture. Had reading quizzes that were easy if you did the reading. Very enthusiastic and great personality. Seemed very interested in the material.

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SLAV33 . 10 Years Ago

You don't have to take notes in this class. As long as you listen to her lectures you will do fine on the mid term and final. If you have any questions she will clarify. I went into her last office hours with the final study guide and she basically told me all the answers to them. Her style of teaching is boring but coming to class in mandatory.

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SLAV182 . 10 Years Ago

Great Teacher! Interesting topics presented in her unique way of going over all readings and material in lectures. Katia goes over everything you need to know for midterm and final. Attend all lectures and you will do well.

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SLAV182 . 10 Years Ago

She makes this class very easy. I wish I took it for the grade to get the easy A. She has no book, but you will have to read articles and watch clips. She takes attendance for points. She will also have occasional pop quizzes. Before the midterm and final, she gives out study guides and has an in-class review. She sometimes words things weirdly.

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SLAV1 . 10 Years Ago

Great class. Reading, homework, and attendance is absolutely mandatory but it isn't hard.

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SLAV2 . 11 Years Ago

Katia is phenomenal. She may come off as dry and boring, but actually has a wicked sense of humour that comes out at the most unexpected of times. She is genuinely concerned with her student's well-being and goes out of her way to accomodate them. Great professor!

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SLAV1 . 11 Years Ago

Super straightforward, wants students to do well. Always explains and reviews all the material, easy group work, homework everyday with heavier and lighter days, but its just so you're continuously practicing. Learned a lot of culture along with language, easy take home midterm.

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SLAV152A . 12 Years Ago

McClain is a great professor. Her midterm and final are very straight forward. She is an easy grader. Attendance is mandatory but if you show up it makes the class that much easier. The articles were very interesting. Sometimes very long but for the most part she goes over them in class. If you can, take this class.

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