Walid is a good professor. It's hard to get an A in his class and he is a hard grader when it comes to papers, but his tests are completely fair. It's really important to go to his classes because 90% of test material is on stuff talked about in class. I enjoyed his enthusiasm and would take another class with him.
Great guy, interesting lectures. He gives great examples, but fails in explaining the core concepts the examples are illustrating. Hard paper grader. Expects a lot out of students with little/ambiguous instructions. Mutiple choice part of exams are easy, but he grades hard on the short/answer essay portion
Afifi is a nice guy with really interesting lectures. His class SEEMS really chill at first. But, he grades papers really hard-- i worked my ass off and he gave me a B-! The midterm is mostly multp. choice, one "short answer" which is more like write about everything we learned so far. cool guy, but u gotta put in lots of work even for a B!