
Rate My Professors (97)

ESS40 . 15 Years Ago

Avoid him, tests are difficult. They first part is true/false the rest is mult choice. Useless to buy the txtbook since he reads directly form lecture slides. But his tests are rediculous!

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ESS40 . 15 Years Ago

you have to attend lecture which can at times get boring. he's not bad. the tests are challenging. there is a lot of material to get through in a semester.

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ESS3 . 16 Years Ago

He is a funny man, and a good teacher. His tests are somewhat hard, but if you do the practice midterm and final and attend class you will do well.

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ESS3 . 16 Years Ago

If you are interested in the field, his lectures are all very well-organized, detailed and easy to follow. If you go to class & pay attention to the additional information he gives to the slides, you should do fine in the class. the tests can be pretty tricky, so take advantage of the extra credit opportunites.

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ESS3 . 16 Years Ago

He is a really interesting professor, but classes are mandatory. He offers extra credit and the info is very helpful to real life. I have already lost weight and feel healthier after 10 weeks of his class!!!

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ESS3 . 16 Years Ago

professor is irritating.. must attend not because you'll miss material but because you have to turn in hw. blames things on PCs lol

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ESS40 . 16 Years Ago

A real hard ass, but he knows the material like no other. His test questions are stupid--part of the T/F will be true and part of it false... Annoying, but if you pay attention in class and study it's not so bad. Don't bother buying the book.

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ESS40 . 16 Years Ago

Tests did not reflect course material. Avoid him.

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ESS3 . 16 Years Ago

test are impossible! 2/3 of the test are true false. He is arrogant and firm in his beliefs. i do not recommend any of his classes, in fact i strongly advocate passing on them. if you want to take nutrition, take it with another professor!

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ESS3 . 16 Years Ago

I was taking this class for fun but i got a C+ in it. It was my lowest score. I went to class every day unlike half the class, and i still got a C+. I got a B on the midterm, did all my homework, and got a C+ on the final, and i ended up with a C+. Makes no sense whatsoever. Studied hard too, but his tests are just 70 trick questions. Learned a lot

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ESS3 . 16 Years Ago

Homework is 30% of your grade, thus attendance is mandatory. Don't worry, they only take a second to complete. In this sense, attendance is mandatory, but falling asleep in class is not. Merely goes over the workbook of powerpoint slides you purchase the first day of class. Midterm and Final are way hard, this class was my lowest grade!!

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ESS40 . 17 Years Ago

he reads right off his slides. 70 questions for midterm and final. half true/false and the other half multiple choice. attendance is mandatory because you have to sign in. don't buy the textbook, you're just wasting money since everything he tests you on comes from the slides.

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ESS3 . 17 Years Ago

Great class, funny guy, knows what he's talking about. Not hard, but doesn't fulfill any requirements. Study practice test and turn in daily (very easy) homeworks and you'll do fine.

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ESS40 . 17 Years Ago


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ES40 . 17 Years Ago

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ESS3 . 17 Years Ago

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ESS3 . 17 Years Ago

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ESS3 . 17 Years Ago

his tests or tricky instead of testing knowledge of material he tests how well you can take a he requires you to turn in hw every day in class, therefore you must sit through every boring lecture. bring a good book or sudoku... oh also his class fulfills no requirements.

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ESS3 . 17 Years Ago

he is a clear and informative teacher and the material is interesting however the test are tricky!!!!!!!!! Thay are all multiple choice and true or false but theyare very tricky!!! Don't buy the little nutrition guide book I never even opened it and i could tseel it back however the woorkbook is manditory!!!! You need it!!!!

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ESS3 . 17 Years Ago

Class is pretty hard.. his midterm and final are tricky but he does offer really easy homework points and extra credit which is always good.. the class is very interesting and i learned a lot so you should go!!!!

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ESS3 . 17 Years Ago

He's kind of a jerk, to be honest. Not overtly, but he comes off as cold. Otherwise, his class was great, very informative, organized, and clearly presented. I definitely learned a lot.

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ESS3 . 17 Years Ago

pretty awesome professor

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NUTRITION . 18 Years Ago

Tricky tests but interesting material that is very relevant to a healthy life.

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ESS3 . 18 Years Ago

This guy really grows on you! By the end of the class you can't help but think he's awesome, he's very funny and knows EVERYTHING about the subject. Tests are a bit difficult but nothing unmanageable. Reccommended!

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