
Rate My Professors (97)

ESS3 . 7 Years Ago

Dr. Gilbert is incredibly knowledgable and the information I learned in his class has stuck with me for many years.

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ESS3 . 10 Years Ago

I took this class thinking that it would be an easy A... not so. Gilbert's class revolves around his slideshows that you get bundled up in one fat reader. Truly interesting class but his tests, I felt, were ridiculously confusing. A lot of true-false that will have you second-guessing yourself left and right. With good study habits you'll do well.

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ESS3 . 10 Years Ago

If you actually read the book and attend lecture you will do well. Also, the extra credit raises your grade by a whole letter grade and all it requires is for you to get a fitness test done at the fitness institute.

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ESS9 . 11 Years Ago

Professor Gilbert knows the facts like the back of his hand. Truly knowledgeable; great lecturer. He's very direct and has a sarcastic sense of humor (which makes my day), and he gives you all the information you need in order to live a long, healthy life. One of the best lecturers I've had at UCSB! Wish he taught more classes.

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ESS3 . 11 Years Ago

Although the class was very difficult to get a high grade in and the tests were impossible, this class will make you be a healthier person no doubtedly and that was his goal.

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ESS3 . 11 Years Ago

he clearly has not bothered to keep up with research for the past 20 years. many of the things he tells you about nutrition (mainly regarding diet composition, saturated fat, cholesterol, and protein) are WAY out dated and would be laughed at in the current nutritional research field.

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ESS3 . 11 Years Ago

This class was fairly difficult. GIlbert gives you a lot of interesting facts that are good to use in life, but they won't help at all on the tests. You have homework due in each class, so you actually have to go to almost all of the lectures.

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ESS3 . 11 Years Ago

Not an easy class but he teaches you things everyone should know. The tests are hard but definitely go to the review sessions. I went to the one for the final and it made a huge difference. He said he's probably not teaching the course after this year so get in while you can!

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ESS9 . 11 Years Ago

take ESS 9!!! two unit class, only a final exam and mandatory attendance. the final exam was easier than 7th grade health class, super basic stuff but interesting. art is the man!

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ESS3 . 11 Years Ago

Excellent information. Engaging professor, material has lifelong use. It's a shame he's going to stop teaching it soon, it's actually a very good class. He does have very hard tests, and he knows his stuff back and forth. If you have some physiology knowledge before coming in to the class it does help in understanding the material.

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ESS3 . 11 Years Ago

I loved going to this class. The professor is very clear and organized. The stuff I learned is probably the most useful information I have ever been taught. Take this class and pay attention, and not only will your grade improve but so will your overall health.

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ESS3 . 11 Years Ago

The tests are very tricky. The material is interesting and Gilbert knows what he is talking about. Don't leave in the middle of class or else he will yell at you.

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ESS3 . 12 Years Ago

If you are going to take health and nutrition, take it pass/no pass. Class seems very interesting at the beginning, but the tests are extremely tricky and are nothing like the study guide that he gives you. This class requires a lot of studying and good understanding of the material. Doesn't count as a GE or anything and is a lot of work.

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ESS3 . 12 Years Ago

Not an easy A class, but was a very interesting one. Prof. Gilbert definitely knew his material and seemed passionate about it. His textbook was way overpriced though, 80 bucks for a thick book of printed powerpoint slides that anyone could make. Take P/NP unless you want to put in a lot of time studying the material. Tests are MC but Qs are tricky

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ESS3 . 12 Years Ago

everyone should take as pass no pass. tests are extremely unfair, there are a lot of opinionated questions, and he purposely tries to trick you. besides that its a great class he knows what he is talking about and you will learn a lot!

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ESS3 . 12 Years Ago

prof gilbert makes way too much money off this class. the book, only sold at IV bookstore, is 30 bucks and then you buy another book midway through the quarter. never touched that one though. difficult midterm, slightly easier final, go to class and take GOOD notes. hw due every lecture, unless you want to study and apply yourself, take it P/NP

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ESS3 . 12 Years Ago

Professor Gilbert was amazing! For a topic that can be a bit boring at times, he always kept my interest. He is really funny and you can tell he is a pretty smart guy. The class is not hard; there is only a midterm and a final, with one homework assignment due each class period (they only take 5 seconds to complete). Take this class!!!

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ESS3 . 12 Years Ago

The class seems easy at first but once the first midterm comes around you realize it's no joke. The tests are extremely difficult and a bit out-of-bounds from what he actually teaches. Lectures were alright, but the tests were too challenging.

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ESS3 . 12 Years Ago

day to day classwork easy but the midterm and final need some significant studying. decent teacher but will call individual people out in a 300+ class if he thinks they are being rude. takes the class way too seriously as well especially for being a 3 unit class

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ESSESS3 . 12 Years Ago

Literally the worst class I've ever taken here at UCSB. The professor is unfriendly, rude, and demeaning. He also requires a $90 "reader" that just consists of HIS lecture slides and a few worksheets, in addition to another pointless textbook that isn't even used for the exams. His exam questions are ambiguous and irrelevant to the course.

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ESS3 . 13 Years Ago

This class is very interesting, but don't let that fool you. For how much I studied, I deserved the grade i got which was a B+; however the tests were quite challenging. Office hours were inconvenient, so the information in lectures is important. The book is a bunch of printed powerpoints. Attendance is mandatory. Take as P/NP if you can.

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ESS3 . 13 Years Ago

Very useful class with lots of practical knowledge. Take P/NP tho, I got an B- on midterm, A- on final, only missed 2 RFCs and did all extra credit, got a B-, yes a B-. Tests are hard and unfair and so is final grade.

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ESS3 . 13 Years Ago

Passionate about health/ nutrition and usually kept lectures interesting. Tests were difficult but I would still recommend this class. Very little other work and useful info for after college.

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ESS40 . 13 Years Ago

I absolutely loved Art Gilbert's Health and Nutrition class, however Physiology was extremely boring. He pretty much just read off the slides so there was no point in going to class other than that he took attendance. There is a ton of memorization which makes the tests difficult. Definitely requires a lot of studying.He does offer extra credit tho

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