
Rate My Professors (49)

EARTH7 . 13 Years Ago

do nooooot buy the book. she's really sweet and the class is easy. I went to class about 4 times all quarter. You can work with other people on the labs. Just study the cladograms and facts about each and you will ace the test!

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EARTH7 . 13 Years Ago

dinosaurs was immensely more boring that I had imagined, but the class itself is easy enough between the labs boosting your grade and the fact that you don't ever need to open the book as long as you listen at lecture and memorize her cladograms. she's a bit awkward when she makes jokes, but really nice and understanding. TAs are geniuses.

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EARTH7 . 13 Years Ago

The class is definitely designed for liberal arts majors who need to satisfy GEs. Nothing wrong with that though, it's really easy and I learned a lot and I've still retained it all. Lectures aren't mandatory but it pays in the long run to go; she's a very good teacher and you can learn almost everything you need just by going to class.

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EARTH7 . 13 Years Ago

This class was really interesting even for those who do not care for the sciences. You can get away with not buying the textbook as long as you see the lectures. Your grade will basically boil down to how well you can memorize charts and facts.

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EARTH7 . 13 Years Ago

Very interesting material taught in a very organized and straight forward manner. Easy A as long as you are willing to study her lecture slides and cladograms. Nicest teacher I've ever had.

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EARTH7 . 13 Years Ago

I really enjoyed her Earth 7 aka Dinosaurs class. Even though the class was at 8 am I enjoyed going to all of her lectures. Just don't buy the textbook.

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GEOL7 . 14 Years Ago

I really enjoyed taking Geo 7 with her. Shes engaging and interesting, not to mention, easy on the eyes. Book is not used at all. Go to lecture, memorize a couple of cladograms before the midterm/final and you're set for an A.

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GEOL7 . 14 Years Ago

don't buy/read the book. memorize the cladograms and go to section (pretty fun)! TAKE IT!

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GEOL7 . 14 Years Ago

Awesome class. Porter clearly cares about teaching and about what she's teaching. Does a good job with lectures, tests are easy if you memorize the cladograms. Do not buy the textbook, I aced the class without even looking at it.

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GEOL7 . 15 Years Ago

Dinosaurs. Take it for the GE. Just be aware you study other stuff for half of the lectures. DON'T BUY THE TEXTBOOK. She says you use it for section...not true. Easy class, just memorize names. It's like a high school class. Study, and you'll get an A. If you don't's your fault.

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GEOL7 . 15 Years Ago

Professor Porter is hot. Extremely intelligent and helpful. Her lectures are fun and interesting because of her great personality. If you have any interest in Dinosaurs, take this class. Midterm and Final were extremely fair and simple if you memorized all of the cladograms. She's awesome.

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GEOL7 . 15 Years Ago

this class was exactly what i expected it to be. i did find it a bit difficult though, just because there was so much to memorize. she tries to make lecture as painless as possible. didn't buy the book and still passed the class. i had john moore as my TA and i would definitely recommend him as he was probably the most helpful of them all.

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GEOL7 . 15 Years Ago

Welcome.... TO GEOLOGY 7. You don't need the textbook. Tests are all memorization of cladograms and basic themes. Pretty easy. Clever girl...

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GEOL111 . 15 Years Ago

There were two profs for this class; she was the better of the two. Explains stuff well, posts lectures online with extra notes. Midterm and final were really long and fairly difficult - requires a lot of studying.

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GEOL111 . 15 Years Ago

Susannah is a great prof. She was always very clear and her lectures are well outlined.

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GEOGEO7 . 15 Years Ago

Don't need to buy the textbook. Class based on lectures and labs. Susannah tries to play a dino video for each lecture. Learned a lot about dinosaurs and what they could've sounded like. Lots of notes. I'd take this class again.

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GEOL7 . 16 Years Ago

Awesome professor! Love the video clips. Very clear and interesting. Doesn't use the book a whole bunch. Puts her slides and notes up online. Easy science requirement class.

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GEOL7 . 16 Years Ago

Loved this class! Best class at UCSB so far. Prof Porter is super nice and willing to help. Class not boring at all. A lot to memorize for midterm/final but nothing you can't handle. The book is useless though. I am the type of person that has to read everything even if everyone else doesn't but I stopped reading after two weeks. TAKE THIS CLASS!

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GEOL7 . 16 Years Ago

She is probably the nicest prof Ive has at UCSB so far. Shes very generous with the curve, and so willing to help and answer any questions students have. The class was really fun and interesting, and hardly any work. Reading isnt necessary at all. & she shows awesome dino videos including Jurassic Park, and some really funny random youtube clips.

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GEOL7 . 16 Years Ago

Porter was good. She was really helpful in reviewing what happened in previous lectures, and she curved the midterm by 7% and the final by 10%.

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GEOL7 . 16 Years Ago

It was a class on Dinosaurs therefore it was amazing. She showed a ton of really awesome dino video clips which made lectures so much better. The exams were fairly difficult, a lot of memorization - but it's not like it was HARD stuff to memorize, just crap about dinos. She's freaking buff too. oh and don't buy the textbook, you NEVER use it

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GEOL7 . 18 Years Ago

took this class, thought it would be funny.. and it ended up being soo interesting. Porter is great- she's really nice, really helpful w/ questions, and she always laughs with the class. The lab part is kind of a pain, don't even touch the textbook if you're taking it with Porter. Had to study hard and memorize a lot- midterm was decent,but the final was HARD. Vive dinos.

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GEOL144 . 18 Years Ago

Susannah's a great teacher and got really personal with the class, being that it was small. She's always smiling, loves teaching, and that in itself makes the class enjoyable. Didn't think I'd be excited to learn about invertebrate paleontology, but she made it really interesting. Great class. Tests are fine if you pay attention and take good notes

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GEOL7 . 18 Years Ago

Although she has a good body, i hit that, she teaches well, but her f@#kin tests don't have anything to do with the course, and the sections are so retarded, i would not recommend that class, but if you are really interested in memorizing alot of information that you will never use in real life then by all means take it, otherwise, take a usefull G

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