
Rate My Professors (49)

EARTH7 . 3 Years Ago

She uses iClickers to take attendance, so you might want to go to class. The class is named Dinosaurs, but we don't learn much about them until the end. The class isn't too hard, but the tests can be a bit tricky. She's nice and offers study sessions before midterm/final.

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EARTH7 . 4 Years Ago

I usually hate science classes, but this was more of an easy memorization class. She made the lectures very interesting. I actually enjoyed the labs.

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EARTH7 . 4 Years Ago

Can't believe how much I enjoyed this class! Made me interested in Earth Science. Professor Porter is really nice and I felt comfortable attending her office hours. She really explains things well, just focus on memorization, lab work and showing up for iClicker points. Labs are really fun and easy. Definitely the best GenEd class ever.

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EARTH7 . 4 Years Ago

The class is difficult but if you grind you should be fine. Lecture is boring though.

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EARTH7 . 4 Years Ago

Great professor. Only professor Ive had that will post summarized notes online so you dont really need to take notes. This class is boring but if you study, youll be fine.

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EARTH111 . 7 Years Ago

Porter is honestly one of the most caring and respected professors I know. Earth 111 was the best class I have ever taken at UCSB and has changed my perspective on what I want to continue to study, her and Bruice Tiffney are a power duo of professors who are very well respected within the department.

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EARTH7 . 8 Years Ago

Very interesting class. You definitely learn more about dinosaurs and where they originated from. The lab sections were fun to do because you get to work with fossils and etc.

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EARTH7 . 10 Years Ago

An engaging lecturer, she tried making Dinosaurs interesting and was pretty successful. Attend lectures for iClickr points, and MEMORIZE THE CLADOGRAMS. Would recommend the class for 1st years.

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EARTH7 . 10 Years Ago

Professor Porter's lectures are very clear and easy to follow (and they're all available online - but you do get iclicker points for going to lecture). Her tests were fair and the material was very easy to understand. It's the perfect GE class, and I actually grew to be interested in rocks and dinosaurs!

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EARTH7 . 12 Years Ago

My favorite professor I ever had, and my favorite class I ever had. Organized lectures, well-constructed course, funny, fair grading, and cool material.

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EARTH7 . 12 Years Ago

Such an amazing professor! I adore her! So fun, and such an interesting class. If there was to be a class that I would take again, this would be it! John Moore is the best TA, so enthusiastic and kind. Know your cladograms peeps!

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EARTH7 . 12 Years Ago

Best class I have ever taken at UCSB. Easy to do well with all the test curves and lab point opportunities. David is the most helpful and fair TA! Know your cladograms.

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EARTH7 . 12 Years Ago

no need to buy the textbook. i rarely attended lecture and got an A in the class. she posts lecture slides and notes online which are really helpful. the labs were pretty difficult but aren't worth too much. just memorize the cladograms for tests

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EARTH7 . 12 Years Ago

This class is interesting and you do learn a lot; but it's not easy. Take it pass or no pass if you can. There is no need to attend lecture because she posts all the slides and notes online. The labs are quite easy and John Moore is a great T.A. In order to get a good grade you must study the cladograms A LOT, tests are multiple choice.

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EARTH7 . 12 Years Ago

The prof is really clear and enthusiastic, but the class is pretty time-consuming because it takes A LOT of memorization. Attendance isn't necessary because she puts all of the slides online and the TA's are really helpful. Wouldn't recommend taking this class fall quarter freshman year or if you're not willing to study a lot, or take it p/np

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EARTH7 . 12 Years Ago

Not a very easy class especially if you're not into science. Labs and lecture are extremely boring. The professor is nice and enthusiastic, but I heard the class was much easier than it turned our to be.

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EARTH7 . 12 Years Ago

Professor Porter is great. Her class is very interesting and it's not too hard to get a decent grade in this class. The most important thing is memorizing the cladograms. John Moore and David Wampler are the best TA's. She has trouble answering some questions, but all in all, I would highly recommend this class.

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GEO7 . 12 Years Ago

The prof is pretty cool and interesting. I went to lecture about four times all quarter, and still did fairly well in the class. She didn't curve either midterm or the final, but it wasn't tragic. Memorize the cladograms and you should be fine in this class.

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EART7 . 12 Years Ago

always friendly and always helpful. memorize the cladograms completely and the exams wont be too hard. take your labs seriously and work in groups and ask a lot of questions in lab. get John Moore as your TA and your life will improve exponentially. it's easy and interesting, even if it's not practical in the least. a great way to get rid of your area c gen Ed.

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EARTH7 . 12 Years Ago

Porter is a cool lady. She went to an Ivy League school, and is very qualified to teach the course. She is easy going and tries her best to keep lecture interesting. Labs are very easy and TAs are wonderful at helping you out with any concepts you may be struggling with. The tests are easy to (memorize your cladograms!) and require minimal studying

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EARTH7 . 12 Years Ago

Makes very awkward jokes. Tedious class, don't take if you can't memorize facts.

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EARTH7 . 13 Years Ago

Professor Porter was AWESOME! You could really tell that she loved what she was teaching! Her class was very interesting but it was challenging. There is a lot of memorizing and if you plan to get an A chances are you will have to read the textbook. Overall it was an awesome class with a fantastic professor!

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EARTH7 . 13 Years Ago

Terrible class It was very boring and hard. You have to read to get an A.

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EARTH7 . 13 Years Ago

She is wonderful! Very clear lectures. I didn't attend half of the lectures and still got an A. Study the cladograms, and you're good! Know them!!!

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