Rate My Professors (52)

BLST130A . Strongman R D 18 Years Ago

Seriously, the worst class ever. I didn't do any of the readings because we'd spend 10 minutes talking about a 400 page book. He was a horrible teacher and went on for hours about mangoes and then says, "so everyone understands what Negritude is now?" I still have no idea what it was about. I officially change his name to Roberto Wrongman.

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BLAC130A . Strongman R D 18 Years Ago

This class really was terrible. I have never spent so much money on books that I never read... His grading policies are weird, too, since 15% of the grades were based on attendence & participation yet he never took role or tried to learn names. I pretty much skipped all the readings but the first 2 weeks worth and still pulled off a B.

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BLKST130A . Strongman R D 18 Years Ago

Could possibly be the worst professor I've ever had. His reader was sloppy, missed class for "voodoo" conferences, and assigned a crapload of expensive books. Expected us to understand French and know what Negritude was before he taught us anything. Also, a very subjective grader. I wish I never took this class it was a waste of money.

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BLST133 . Strongman R D 18 Years Ago

He's very helful, especially if you see him in office hours. I learned tons in his class, but be prepared to read a lot and speak up in class.

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