Roberto Strongman

52 reviews
Get ready to read Graded by few things Lecture heavy Participation matters Clear grading criteria Lots of homework So many papers Tough grader Skip class? You won't pass. Beware of pop quizzes Caring Respected Accessible outside class
Past quarters
55 / 55 Full
Introduction to Caribbean Studies
Roberto Strongman 3.0
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
47.4% A
20 / 20 Full
Honors Seminar: Yoga: Theory, Culture & Practice
Roberto Strongman 3.0
14:00 PM - 15:50 PM
99.2% A
BL ST 180
10 / 20 Enrolled
Capstone Seminar for Minors
Roberto Strongman 3.0
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
77.9% A
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INT 84BC Strongman R D Spring 2024 Total: 19
BL ST 7 Strongman R D Winter 2024 Total: 118
BL ST 146 Strongman R D Winter 2024 Total: 7
INT 84BC Strongman R D Winter 2024 Total: 19
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BLST33 . Strongman R D 1 Year, 18 Days Ago

The entire grading is based on the TA, so you better luck out. The professor is really boring and lectures in what seems like slow motion. He takes attendance during the lecture with a piece of paper and he really does not care about his students as he did not round up my 93.86% to a 94%. Also, he has 94% as an A and anything under is an A- :((

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BLST33 . Strongman R D 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Strongman is a great professor who cares about the subjects he talks about. The course was very heavy with reading (one novel a week around 100-250 pages), but the books were enjoyable and very interesting. Grading all depends on one weekly response that is 500 words, and one final paper. Attendance is graded in both the lecture and the section.

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BLKST130A . Strongman R D 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

A good professor that will draw you into the material. Reading is heavy, but most of the time, a simple summary and logical thinking are enough to understand and answer the questions given.

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BLST33 . Strongman R D 2 Years Ago

Professor rambles a lot during lecture, yet forces attendance. I had a funeral to attend on the same day as lecture. When I asked for an excused absence, he said I could join Zoom from my phone. At a funeral. 200-300 word books to read a week plus a two page writeup. Easy TA = Easy A. My TA was very particular; I had to really work to get my grade.

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BLST138 . Strongman R D 2 Years Ago

This class seems like alot at first with weekly readings which can be kind of long and a weekly written assignment but it wasn't too bad. I was able to get the reading and assignment done in a day. His lectures are full with information and he goes over the weekly assignment questions. Overall this class wasn't difficult at all as long as you read.

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BLKST7 . Strongman R D 2 Years Ago

Took this course back in fall quarter. Course was online. No lectures to watch, grade just depended on weekly reading & assignments + section attendance. My TA was veryyy laid-back and not so harsh on grading which helped a lot! Lots of reading and some required books and textbooks that you can find online. Final is an essay about a book we read.

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BLST138 . Strongman R D 3 Years Ago

Professor Strongman gives 1 assignment a week based on the reading. The assignment is usually just a few questions and you only have to write 100 words for each question. I spend hours each week reading for this class but I love the material and think its so so interesting! Take this class if you want to learn! Great Prof!!

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BLST133 . Strongman R D 4 Years Ago

This class relies entirely on who your TA is. No lectures but professor does lecture type discussions during office hours every week. GO TO HIS OFFICE HOURS IF YOU WANT THIS CLASS TO BE WORTHWHILE. Read a book every week but they were reasonable in length and interesting. You need to be an adequate writer when you go into this class to thrive.

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BLST33 . Strongman R D 4 Years Ago

I did not have any actual classes with the professor, everything was online and out TAs handled everything. The workload was a little extreme - read a novel and write and essay on it a week, for a first year student, but the nobles were overall easy to understand.

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BLST33 . Strongman R D 4 Years Ago

BLST 33 / C LIT 33 taken in Fall 2020. No lectures whatsoever, the entire class consisted of one book every week and weekly reflections on the book, plus section attendance and a final paper. Unresponsive through email, when he does respond he's very cold. Avoid at all costs.

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RGST156 . Strongman R D 4 Years Ago

Nine weekly assignments worth 81 percent of grade (9 percent each) and one final paper, open ended. You create your own question and use course material to answer it. Tons of reading but it's all really interesting so it doesn't feel too heavy. Weekly assignment have 3 questions each worth 3 points. Good course with an easily accessible professor.

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BLST130A . Strongman R D 6 Years Ago

Strongman is extremely knowledgeable in his field but his lectures can be a bit monotonous. He assigns readings from a reader and two short books. There are three papers that are fairly easy if you take great knows based off of what he says in lecture. Does not use PowerPoint and only gave us one pop quiz and a short presentation.

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