Rate My Professors (52)

BLACK130 . Strongman R D 12 Years Ago

Love him! The work is challenging but it was enjoyable because I loved the novels and poems. It motivated me to improve m French so I can read them in the original.

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BLACK130A . Strongman R D 13 Years Ago


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BLKST124 . Strongman R D 13 Years Ago

this prof has more discussion that lecture. either we discuss readings or watch films. I personally felt like i was just in section the whole quarter. Some of the readings are difficult to understand and some are very interesting. Said %15 of class was pop quizzes, he gave 1 pop quiz in week 7. I didnt really go to class but still did well

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BLST130B . Strongman R D 14 Years Ago

Although his accent may confuse you on some of his words, you can still comprehend pretty much everything. Class seems long sometimes, but he is passionate in his subject. He isn't a harsh grader at all, just do all his work and he takes attendance! Nice grader, interesting class. Would take again!

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BLACKETHN . Strongman R D 14 Years Ago

The best professor I ever had! I was inspired to learn more about African Religions in Cuba, Brazil and Haiti. The videos were cool and helpful. Entertaining but also rigorous.

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BLSTBLS . Strongman R D 14 Years Ago

He gave me an A!!!!!!!!!!!! I worked like a dog, but he saw my effort and gave me a good grade.

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BLST130A . Strongman R D 14 Years Ago

He got me into graduate school! He helped me write a good writing sample and wrote me an awesome letter or rec. Dr. Strongman is A+ all the way.

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BLST130B . Strongman R D 14 Years Ago

The best! I learned a lot about the history of black people outside of the US. He really helped me with my writing and to find articles.

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BLSTAA . Strongman R D 14 Years Ago

Awesome! The most intelligent prof I had in Ethnic Studies. I learned so much about the part of the world my parents came from. My mom and dad were impressed with what I learned. I understand Jamaica so much more now. the meeting I liked the most was when he analyzed bob marley's songs

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BLSTNEGR . Strongman R D 14 Years Ago

This guy expects everyone to become a scholar. Someone needs to tell him that not all students want to go on to get Ph.D.s and teach. I did get something out of the class but he wants you to write and participate at a high level.

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BLSTBLST . Strongman R D 14 Years Ago

Wow! I had no idea that an Ethnic Studies class could be so theoretical! I was kind of scared by the level of philosophy he had us read but I go the hang of it and it helped me with upper division classes. He made me feel I could go to grad school.

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BLSTCARI . Strongman R D 14 Years Ago

The best professor I have had at UCSB in all four years there. I thought he was stuck up until I met with him in office hours and he was totally there for me! He gave me so much attention that I left feeling like I really had it in me to write a good paper and that I was smart.

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BLST130A . Strongman R D 14 Years Ago

Truly outstanding intellectual! He really makes me think outside the box. I felt like I travelled to so many places reading poetry from people all over the world. A bit harsh in grading essays, but worth it because my writing got better.

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BLST7 . Strongman R D 14 Years Ago

Dr. Strongman is awesome. he is sooo knowledgable in this area and listening to his lectures was always interesting and stimulating. the books we read we very good. he is a very tough essay grader he is very helpful if you ask! he expects students to make good arguments and encourages ideas that aren't his own. loved this class!

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BLKST7 . Strongman R D 15 Years Ago

id have to say, worst professor i've ever had. you buy soo many books and never use them! hes a tough grader with a thick accent and you cant understand him! plus, he is extremely arrogant, almost seems prejudice if you are not hispanic or ethnic, stay away!!!

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BLST7 . Strongman R D 15 Years Ago

awful teacher! he makes no sense when he gives lectures, and i found him to be quite arrogant when i disagreed with certain points he made in class. avoid him for this class!

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BLST38B . Strongman R D 15 Years Ago

Loved him!!! he was a little boring, but you get a lot out of his class. Pop quizzes are easy, essays are easy, the only thing though, is that there is A LOT of reading, but if you read,or at least get the gist,you'll get an A.

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BLST7 . Strongman R D 16 Years Ago

so so so awful. pop quizzes in class and lecture was the most boring thing ever. this class could be really cool though, so just avoid him not the course

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BLST7 . Strongman R D 17 Years Ago

Horrible teaching! Makes no sense. All reading (11 books). Hated this class more than any class before! Worthless, Learn NOTHING! DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS!! HIGHLY dont recommend this teacher. Hes new and doesn't know how to teach.

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BLST7 . Strongman R D 17 Years Ago

Interesting course material. There is a lot of reading, but anyone with half a brain should be able to handle it. If people take the time to read the texts and go to classes they should get an easy A. Professor Strongman dialogues with his students instead of just lecturing, which encourages students to think independently.

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BLST7 . Strongman R D 18 Years Ago

The only reason anyone went to class was for the pop quizzes, and most left after that due to his unorganized lectures; he stands up there with his hands in his pockets/nothing written down and expects students to stay interested in whatever he feels like talking about for 1.25 hours. Too much reading and hardly anything good. Worst prof. I've had.

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BLST7 . Strongman R D 18 Years Ago

The worst teacher ever. Way too much reading for not counting as a literature GE, and in class pop quizzes. i took it supposing it was going to be an easy A and ended up taking it pass no pass, like everyone else in the class. it was a waste of time. don't take this class if you don't have to

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BLST7 . Strongman R D 18 Years Ago

it would be easy/interesting if you did ALL the reading on time, asked for help and went to class. It is a lot of work, way too much for all the people i know. if you want to take this, be prepared for 60-100pg reading per class session, to speak up and GO TO CLASS (or else you won't do well)

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BLST7 . Strongman R D 18 Years Ago

I wanted an intro to carribean studies class instead I got a comparative lit class! So much useless reading. Lecture was a waste of time. I still know nothing about Carribean. Avoid this teacher like the plague!

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