
Rate My Professors (43)

PHYS115B . 5 Years Ago

Professor Gwinn was highly inaccessible outside class, never answered emails, short office hours. Her teaching style is based more on the basics rather than proofs or details. She was fine, but I wished she communicated more with her students

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PHYS1 . 6 Years Ago

Her lectures make you more confused that you would've been had you not gone to class, but sadly the iClicker points are important. She's been really nice about grading the curve based off each person though. Go to class ready to do the online homework (due twice a week) during lectures to save time.

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PHYS1 . 6 Years Ago

In comparison to Freedman, Gwinn is a saint. A much better alternative. She actually teaches in class, and there is one big homework assignment due Fridays, which suck, but it is better than having homework everyday. The grading scale curve is very generous, a 55% is a C-, a 85% is an A-. Her tests are hard, but she drops the lower midterm.

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PHYS115A . 7 Years Ago

Her lectures are organized so it may be hard to tell that it's largely nonsense. With a bizarre subject like quantum mechanics, she should have been clear about what equations or concepts you can always fall back on and experimental information would have been helpful as well to understand the phenomena. She also conveniently didn't give out evals.

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PHYS1 . 9 Years Ago

I'm not sure why there are so much negative feedback here. The lectures are clear and well-organized, the tests are reasonable, and the homework is very useful in preparing for the test. Though the class is not easy, the resources to succeed are readily available. Overall, Prof. Gwinn is an above average lecturer.

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PHYS1 . 9 Years Ago

Gwinn must have improved from past years because I don't think she was nearly as bad as some of these reviews say she was. In class she teaches you the basic formulas and concepts and it is up to you to figure out the tough homework problems. The quizzes in section were very hard but she ended up dropping most of them. Tough tests, but big curve.

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PHYS1 . 9 Years Ago

Her tests are extreamly hard. Lectures are boring and hardly useful. try not to take her class if can have another professor. If she is your only option, good luck. IDK how curve will be.

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PHYS1 . 10 Years Ago

Pretty bad lecturer, but seemingly very generous curve at the end of the quarter.

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PHYS1 . 10 Years Ago

Gwinn's class was an awful experience. I went into the class loving physics and left frustrated, confused, and discouraged. The homework is due the day before she teaches the material. The midterms and final were impossible with little to no curve. You'll get through the class with friends and the book but it won't be easy or fun.

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PHYS1 . 10 Years Ago

Just a terrible professor. When asked questions she refers people to the book, and does not respond to emails. Too bad engineers and others are forced to take this class, it is a waste.

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PHYS1 . 10 Years Ago

Be prepared to do a lot of independent study. Do all of the extra credit problems in the homework and during section, they actually add up to about 6-8%, which is pretty darn significant considering how hard the class was. I didn't take AP, and the people who did still struggled, so I guess make sure you set aside time for this class. READ THE TEXT

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PHYS1 . 10 Years Ago

Given, Gwinn was not a great (or even good) lecturer, and the given problems were challenging, but in my opinion grading was fair. The homework was often on material not yet covered in class, but this was to stimulate the development of critical thinking skills essential to problem solving. Furthermore iClicker questions were for extra credit.

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PHYS1 . 10 Years Ago

Did not learn anything. Attended every lecture and still barely 'passed' the class. Midterms and finals were impossible; she told us it's okay to fail the class because that's something every student should go through. 2 FRQ on the final and one was taken from a Classical Mechanics book (made for 3rd yr Physics majors). Avoid at all costs.

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PHYSICS1 . 10 Years Ago

Just don't take her if you want a good grade, even if you've taken AP Physics and passed the AP exam.

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PHYSIS1 . 10 Years Ago

You're on your own, you have to teach yourself the material. Lectures are not helpful, homework is no where near as hard as the tests.

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PHYS1 . 10 Years Ago

Haha good luck.

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PHYS1 . 10 Years Ago

Hard to understand lectures. Will blow your mind away (in a bad connotation). Exponentially harder tests. Homework does not help whatsoever with tests. Basically have to get lucky on the final to get easy questions to ace it.

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PHYS1 . 10 Years Ago

The worst teacher I've ever had. Her lectures are fast-paced and very abstract. She does nothing to help you learn how to solve problems, but at least she tortures us by spending an hour proving ONE formula! Yay! As for her tests, let's just say I was very tempted to chop off my arms so I wouldn't have to take them. Pray that you never get her.

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PHYS1 . 10 Years Ago

Albert Einstein would've been like ... what

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PHYSICS1 . 10 Years Ago

I was so interested in physics, then I took Gwinn's class. I now know less physics than I did before taking this class. She literally blew my mind, and widened my posterior. Horrible explanations, she gives homework on things she hasn't taught and throws iClicker problems at you in class with horrible explanations. Teach yourself with the book

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PHYSICS1 . 10 Years Ago

probably the worst teacher iv had in college. didn't learn a thing. have to teach yourself. do not take her class if you value your grade

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PHYSICS1 . 10 Years Ago

WOW what a great teacher! I came into PHYS1 with more knowledge of physics than I left with. She's the best teacher, as I've never known another teacher to take away knowledge rather than impart it. I was definitely interested in physics before this class, but not anymore!

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PHYS1 . 10 Years Ago

Horrible professor. All attending lecture does is confuse you more. Her iClicker questions are purposely misleading and seems to be happy when no one gets them right. Section was useless, as the TAs tried their best to help, but Gwinn's questions were never clear and had no certain answer. Avoid her at all costs

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PHYS1 . 10 Years Ago

Horrible class. Sections are useless and her lectures only make things worse. You are completely on your own. Avoid this professor at all costs.

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