
Rate My Professors (33)

MCDB108B . 2 Months Ago

By far, best MCDB professor I've had. Really hammered home on what was important, and 4 months removed still remember a lot. Great job of using concepts to drive memorization and making the subject matter unforgettable. Very accessible in office hours, and it is not a class where bs gets in the way of doing well. Highly recommend

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MCDB108B . 5 Months Ago

Great professor! Really teaches the conceptual aspects of the class well, I still remember all of it weeks removed. Super kind and helpful in office hours. Hard class, partially due to large amount of material requried on own time but truthfully material in the class should be taught over 17 weeks not 10. Overall great prof and fun class.

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MCDB108B . 6 Months Ago

Similar to others! Professor Lew is a great guy. That being said, his lectures are pretty disorganized. It was kinda hard to gage the big picture until I went through the practice finals. But, I feel like I learned the most from this class than any other class. The final is hard, but nothing crazy. Practice finals and midterms are your friend.

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MCDB108B . 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Mixed feelings... He's a really nice, approachable guy & lectures extremely well. He struggles to be succinct though, & piles on tons of work for you to do outside of class. I disliked watching all his prerecorded lectures on our own time. Shoutout to my amazing TA for getting me through this course!

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MCDB108B . 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

It is v difficult to gage what Lew wants you to have memorized vs what he wants you to "understand". His finals are notoriously difficult, there is an excessive amount of work given that you must watch a video lecture before every lecture, on top of weekly quizzes, problem sets, and additional homework. He often gets lost in his own analogies.

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MCDB108B . 3 Years Ago

John Lew is freaking angel. He cares so much about his students, and is truly concerned about the well being of his students. He tried to keep the material brief and interactive, and always owned up to the mistakes me made during them. I wish I could take this guy for every class at UCSB.

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MCDB108B . 3 Years Ago

I wish I attended Lew's OH more because he's genuinely a great guy and professor. He teaches super intuitivley and is a very compassionate professor. I wish he taught more classes because I would take each class.

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MCDB108B . 3 Years Ago

His problem sets are your best friend, very good at explaining concepts in a way that's easy to understand, his lectures are pretty all over the place which made it hard to keep track of how certain concepts connect, but overall he's a good and fair teacher, seems like a nice guy too.

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MCDB108B . 4 Years Ago

The beginning of the class was super slow, with little lecture material, and the end of the class was hyper speed! There was so much material towards the end of the class; it was ridiculous. Found it pretty boring but he was an okay teacher

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MCDB109L . 4 Years Ago

I had him for MCDB 108B as well and honestly love him. He's really good at explaining complex concepts in an easy to understand way and for the lab class (granted it was all online due to COVID) he did a great job at teaching us important lab techniques even though we were unable to be in the lab. Definitely one of the better upper div professors

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MCDB108B . 4 Years Ago

Lew sets tough expectations for test answers so you have to be really precise and answer perfectly to get full credit for a question. Lectures are very long, slow and tedious and he mostly writes on the blackboard instead of posting slides so be ready to write. Do all the practice problems to study because the tests are similar to those.

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MCDB108B . 4 Years Ago

The irony of John Lew telling his students to be brief when they explain their test answers and then spending an entire class discussing one simple concept that everyone already understands is not lost on students. Overall a pretty good professor and his tests are very predictable due to the problem sets.

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MCDB108B . 4 Years Ago

Dr. Lew did a good job working through the intricacies of some key metabolic pathways while keeping lectures focused on the big picture of metabolism's goals -- telling the TAs to grade answer length and preciseness strictly is a bit stressful (though fair), especially when the course grade mainly rides on a 4-question midterm and 8-question final.

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MCDB108B . 4 Years Ago

This is the most disorganized class you will ever take. Lectures are all over the place and it is impossible to piece what readings belong to what. He can be a good lecturer but the concepts are made overly complicated because of how scattered the material is presented.

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MCDB108B . 5 Years Ago

Class was 15% quizzes, 35% midterm 50% final. Midterm was orientated around his problem sets (do them! all of them!). Final was more orientated around his past finals. RECORD HIS LECTURES because he can be scatterbrain and he will test you on stuff he lectures (that he doesn't put on problem sets). Last week of class he rushes through stuff :/

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MCDB108B . 5 Years Ago

He mostly tests on stuff that is based on his online problem sets. It's hard to catch up in the lectures, so if you can't do so, just take notes from the suggested textbook reading pages. Overall, he seems to have improved his abilities to elucidate course concepts and tie things together.

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MCDB108B . 5 Years Ago

Dr. Lew has a great personality, but simply isn't a very good teacher. The concepts in this class aren't too difficult, but are presented in a very scattered manner that makes them extremely difficult to follow.

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MCDB108B . 6 Years Ago

He is a horrible teacher - VERY unorganized and misleading in regards to preparing for exams. He doesn't want students to memorize, rather to "intuitively" understand the concepts. YOU NEED TO MEMORIZE EVERYTHING. No clear course structure -uploads reading material a few times a week. He never posts quiz scores to GS. Be ready to teach yourself.

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MCDB108B . 6 Years Ago

Lew is friendly and cares for his students but IMO was not the best teacher. His in-class analogies just don't help (some are good), he tries to oversimplify complicated systems to one statement he'll tell you to write down, and often lectures past the end of class. I'd say he could spend less time emphasizing points. Sections and hw help a lot!

6 helpful 1 unhelpful
MCDB108 . 7 Years Ago

he was bad.

5 helpful 15 unhelpful
MCDB108B . 9 Years Ago

Best professor in college by far. Dr. Lew made class interesting by challenging students to understand the big picture of metabolism before filling in the gaps. He is a great lecturer that engages his students and thus makes class enjoyable. He provides weekly problems to help students understand the concept. His midterm and final is fair!

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MCDB108B . 10 Years Ago

my favorite professor thus far. really cares about his students and wants them to succeed. do problem sets and GO TO OFFICE HOURS, even just to meet him because he's great. his exams are definitely not easy but if you keep up and do what he recommends you will be fine

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108B . 11 Years Ago

USELESS. Maybe people like him because he's easy and kind of funny, but i learned everything out of the book to get an A. He makes you tell stories about biochem that have to be exactly how he wants them, he sells you biochem instead of teaching it, and he tells you not to memorize when you actually need to memorize everything.

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MCDB108B . 14 Years Ago

Great teacher, really entertaining. I would go to class since his lecture slides don't make much sense unless they're explained. His midterm was easy, but long, so be prepared. His final was incredibly involved - you need to incorporate everything from the entire quarter (it took about 4 hours). He's very fair, and wants his students to do well

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