
Rate My Professors (49)

PSY102 . 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Truly awful professor. Major used some very racist, homophobic, transphobic, and fatphobic language in her lectures. She was also extremely ableist towards students needing accommodations, not to mention rude and condescending in general. So glad she is retiring, don't ever take anything from her.

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PSY102 . 2 Years Ago

Grades were based on midterm and final only. Lectures weren't very helpful, so rely on the text readings. Exams are terrible; made you learn multiple topics and concepts, yet tested only on about six even after telling students to study everything.TA was just as bad. Posted the wrong grades twice, and didn't notify students until hours later.

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PSY102 . 2 Years Ago

i was baffled when this social psych professor used outdated language, would avoid her at all costs. also grade is just 2 tests with tonsssss of questions

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PSY102 . 2 Years Ago

Major was a really great lecturer and her class material was interesting. I do think her grading system is harsh and it’s a lot of work to keep up with the textbook. That being said if you study I didn’t find her tests to be extremely difficult and she made the final online so that it was accessible to everyone.

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PSY102 . 2 Years Ago

You’re graded on a 70 MC midterm and final. Your grade depends only on 2 things. She expects you to not only memorize 40-50 slides worth (per classy of lecture material but also 30-60 pages worth (per chapter). It was doable as long as you’re willing to sacrifice your mental health. This class gave me so much anxiety.

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PSY102 . 2 Years Ago

140 multiple choice questions determines your entire grade. No curves. You have to know tons of concepts and experiments for the exams which is extremely demanding so make sure you do not fall behind. Many people have complaints about her but to be fair, it's doable for those who are good at memorization but the rest will very likely struggle.

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PSY102 . 2 Years Ago

Major's teaching style is hard to follow & the content is outdated and borderline derogatory. She also belittles students and is quite condescending, Her tests were difficult if you didn't know the small details from the book or lecture but inquisitive was helpful, if you could pay for it. Overall this class was a horrible, disorganized mess.

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PSY102 . 2 Years Ago

Professor Major clearly knows what she is doing in this field. She has many of her own studies dating back up to 40 years in her lectures and they are all clearly things she is passionate about. My issue is that this class is so dated it hurts. She refused to accommodate the midterm online despite demand. I have never seen her wear a mask properly.

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PSYCH102 . 2 Years Ago

if there was less than awful, thats what id rate. with only 2 things (45% mid 55% final) making up your grade, youre really at a loss- especially with these exams expecting so much in so little time. she doesnt accommodate at all and is very condescending when students express their concerns. even covid anxiety, she said sit outside by the door

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PSY102 . 2 Years Ago

Professor Brenda Major.. Idk if its because shes retiring this quarter or something, but she is very in unaccommodating to her students. 1 midterm and 1 final and thats your overall grade. She seems very persistent to do in person and does not provide adequate help to those who are exposed to covid for her exams or in general. ://

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PSY102 . 2 Years Ago

She expects you to know so much material from the textbook even if she didnt cover it in class. Your grade is ONLY made up of two tests so if you mess up on one theres no saving ur grade. Also the TA is rude and not helpful. Dont take this class with Major if u can help it!

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PSY102 . 4 Years Ago

I never went to class and only read the book and her PPTs. I was annoyed because she made you pay for Inquizitive which is a quizzing site. The schedule of her quizzes is arbitrary and I ended up missing 2 of the 12. The grade is made up of 3 exams and the quizzes (25% each). She is not lenient (even tho COVID) and would not do anything to help.

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PSY102 . 4 Years Ago

This isn't an easy course, but you will learn as much as you wish based on your effort level. It is very test heavy and most topics are found in the book, but there are some specific questions on tests you'll only get if you attend. Tests are multiple choice and very straight forward. If you take notes on the book and the lecture one should do well

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PSY102 . 4 Years Ago

I was excited to take this class because I love social psychology. However, I wasnt a fan of professor major. Shes a bit prudent and mix up some of her lectures accidentally. The class is straightforward 10% inquisitive for homework, midterm and final. You must read the chapters more than once and review lecture slides!

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PSY102 . 4 Years Ago

I wish I took this class with a different professor because shes not good at teaching. She should stuck to what she's good at RESEARCH! If you MUST take her I would just miss class and read the textbook, and study the lecture slides. She talks to fast so, taking good notes is challenging since she doesn't post the slide before class.

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PSY102 . 5 Years Ago

Although Major's lectures were fascinating and funny at times, the content wasn't beneficial enough to help you with the exams UNLESS you constantly read the text. Her exams were tricky so find every resource you can to help you out. Otherwise, find a different professor.

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PSY102 . 5 Years Ago

Not a very welcoming or caring professor. She loved to belittle students participated in class but didn't have the right answer. This turned me away from ever wanting to participate or ask questions in class. Expected more from someone who is supposed to be a "social psychologist".

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PSY102 . 5 Years Ago

Shes ok but definitely not the ideal choice if you want a professor to give you an easy A. Read the book itll help solidify any concepts from lecture. Pay attention to lectures because like 90% of it is on exams. Small details from the book and lectures are on exams. You have to put in work to get an A

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PSY102 . 5 Years Ago

Dr. Major was a great professor. I actually found myself looking forward to going to her lectures because they were so relevant and interesting. The 60/40 midterm final grading scheme may seem daunting but is actually super doable, as long as you start studying a few days beforehand. Highly recommend Major for social psych.

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PSY102 . 5 Years Ago

I didn't really like this professor. Your grade is dependent on only two huge exams- 40% for the midterm (65 questions) and 60% for the final (98 questions). With only 2 exams you think she would apply some form of curve but she was insistent on the fact that it wouldn't help our grade. I for one have never heard of a curve not helping your grade.

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PSY102 . 7 Years Ago

Professor Major is an amazing instructor. She is incredibly sweet and makes the material even more interesting. I learned a lot from her course, but you need to red and attend lecture to well. Do to some unfortunte circumstances I experienced durring this course I was unable to devote the proper amount of time needed but I ended up with a B+

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PSY102 . 7 Years Ago

This class only has a midterm and a final, which may be appealing to some, but it does not leave you with a clear course of direction, especially to study, but READ the chapters. The tests are conceptual and take thought. It is a great class, and allows one to know the world better, and she relates it in a great way... It's just hard. Good Luck!

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PSYCH102 . 7 Years Ago

Dr. Major has been one of my favorite professors! She's super friendly and her lectures are well organized. The lecture material closely follows the textbook, so I almost feel as if the lectures aren't 100% necessary but I still recommend going for clarity! Really straightforward grading criteria- 40% midterm, 60% final.

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PSYCH157 . 8 Years Ago

This was my second class with Dr Majors because I like the subject matter. That said, I find her condescending to students. Sometimes subtly and sometimes not -so-subtly. Not likely to take another class with her.

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