
Rate My Professors (40)

GLOB162 . 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Such a fun class! He only assigned 1 short reading a week which made it easy to really engage in the material because its not overwhelming. bc of this more students actually read and participated in class so we had awesome discussions. The papers are short too--3.5ish pages. Midterm is just an outline for the final which is a 2.5ish page final.

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GLOB162 . 2 Years Ago

First day of Summer session, and he takes away some girl's iPad that she was using to take notes...? What is this, high school? Half of the introductory 'lecture' was spent talking about himself, also seems pretty condescending.

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GLOBL120 . 2 Years Ago

Prof. Amar is very knowledgeable and passionate about the subject. But his lectures are kinda unorganized and the slides are not useful. I hope he could summarize each concept better. And I hope there are better study guides for the exams. 3 papers, two exams, and participation.

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GLOB120 . 2 Years Ago

Prof Amar is very knowledgeable and also brings intersectionality, race issues etc. In my opinion he is very easy to talk to however he calls on people during class so attendance is mandatory and there are a lot of readings. There are 3 short papers, 1 midterm and 1 final which are pretty easy. Interesting material, I recommand this class.

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GLOB162 . 4 Years Ago

Have zero assistance on who want to crush this class even the class is not full. took him forever reply email back, bad communication with student

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GLOB120 . 5 Years Ago

3 papers- they look scary but are very easy if you read. Reading does consume a lot of time, and I mean like 40-60 pages before each class. He doesn't take attendance but will randomly give pop quizzes or call on you randomly regarding readings. He is really passionate & very nice. If you are good about reading, easy A. Midterm was 25?s

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GLOB120 . 5 Years Ago

Get ready to read on average 100 pages per lecture. Although attendance is not mandatory, this guy randomly calls upon students to answer his questions. If you are not there when he called your name, you know what will happen. For his lectures, there is no lecture, he simply asks students to explain lists of concepts. After that, class is over.

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GLOB120 . 5 Years Ago

Who else think there are lots of work in this class? I need to take care of my other class dude.

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GLOBAL120 . 6 Years Ago

The three papers are really intimidating at first, but the TA's were really helpful. Amar was a cool guy but his lectures often seemed to lack a point and he'd ramble on about something unrelated for 20 minutes. Doesn't take attendance but sometimes was useful for understanding the HUNDREDS of pages of text. Midterm and Final were easy MC.

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GLOBL120 . 6 Years Ago

Amar is honestly an amazing professor! I feel so engaged during his lectures and you actually learn a lot since he is passionate about the concepts. There is so much reading though, its ridiculous! But it's college, so not much we can do there. Your final grade consists of 3 papers, midterm, final, and section attendance.

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GLOBL120 . 6 Years Ago

A stressful nightmare. Amar is a good lecturer, very well educated on the subject matter. However his class requirements extremely difficult to maintain well. Three 1500 word essays, midterm, final, required attendance as he calls on students randomly to explain concepts. The reading is what makes it tough. It can be close to 100 pages per lecture.

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GLOB120 . 6 Years Ago

WHY ARE THERE SO MANY READINGS!!!! Okay to be fair you'll end up learning a lot and most likely enjoy some parts of the material (because theres so much material to read). He's a good professor and his lectures are informative. But he's not very approachable/friendly, so take your chances.

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GLOB120 . 7 Years Ago

I have to admit, the first day that I was in Amar's lecture I was very intimidated. After being in his class, however, I can say that I have learned more than I expected. Don't get me wrong, his class is rigorous. We had 700 pages of reading and the tests tend to ask specific questions. Be ready to work hard for an A and you'll excel in his class.

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GLOBL168 . 9 Years Ago

As far as I'm concerned Paul Amar is tied for the best Global studies professor I've ever had if not best professor overall. His expertise on the field of policing is inspiring and he has a lot of good research on advice on topics that most professors would shy away from.

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GLOBAL120 . 9 Years Ago

Professor Amar is a wonderful professor, gifted with knowledge. At first I was overwhelmed with the material (lots of reading, essays every 2 weeks) but the subject matter is fascinating and I feel so much more enlightened after taking this course! Midtermfinal very straightforward and easy if you attend classkeep up with the reading.

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168 . 9 Years Ago

I love Amar, he is passionate and knowledgable about what he teaches. Readings are long, but SKIM them to find main ideas for papers. He is an easy grader, especially if he knows you. Easy to get an A if you put in the time for the papers.

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GLOBL120 . 10 Years Ago

Great lecturer, but class was surprisingly demanding. On top of essays every 2 weeks, we had a midterm and final. Wasn't too bad if you were engaged in the class. I thought it was fair, but heavy reading.

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GLOBL120 . 10 Years Ago

Great lecturer, but class was surprisingly demanding. On top of essays every 2 weeks, we had a midterm and final. Wasn't too bad if you were engaged in the class. I thought it was fair, but the reader is enormous.

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GLOBAL120 . 10 Years Ago

Nice Professor, but a challenging class with lot of readings. I learnt a lot from this class. In addition, he improves the final grade overall at the end of quarter.

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GLOBL120 . 10 Years Ago

The best professor I have had in Global Studies. Professor Amar is clear, incredibly knowledgable and personable as well. Even though there is a lot of reading and writing (8 page paper every other week), it helped me learn and actually retain the information. Go to his/TA office hours, they will help you a lot with essay/concept questions.

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GLOBAL120 . 10 Years Ago

Nightmare for you if you are not a native speaker.There are tons of reading, real time consuming. He may change take home essay to in class essay in the middle of the quarter (mid-term week).

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GLOB120 . 11 Years Ago

He offers a great course and thinks critically about the ideas. He seems a bit pressed for time constantly & comes off a bit snobby but he holds a tremendous amount of knowledge for such a young professor. Never met in OH but he is a humorous, cynical professor that knows his stuff. Very active in the field.

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GLOB162 . 11 Years Ago

The lectures are clear. The readings are average length yet interesting. Having once a week class was amazing!The Professor is usually very busy. 2 Briefs; and a research paper due on the final date. Midterm is the outline of your research. Won't know what grade you have in class till it's posted on gold xD Easy class tho. Professor is amazing!

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GLOBL120 . 12 Years Ago

Sometimes he came off as disinterested and almost bored. I liked his sarcastic, cynical sense of humor and his lectures were usually good so I'd definitely take another class with him/recommend him.

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