
Rate My Professors (53)

PHYSICS6B . 9 Years Ago

Worst professor I have ever had. His lectures have no organization, he always starts lecture ten minutes late, and his tests hardly cover any important physics topics. We learned the all-important right hand rule and weren't tested on it. I've only learned anything from the online homework system because it is impossible to learn from his lectures.

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PHYS6B . 9 Years Ago

Requires i-clicker for attendance but uses them very randomly. Lectures are unorganized and useless - and he's often late. Homework is often due before he goes over that material in class. He does the minimal amount of work possible - does not provide study guides or practice tests, or recommend book problems. Don't take him if you can avoid it.

12 helpful 1 unhelpful
PHYS6B . 9 Years Ago

Spends whole lectures talking about stuff we will never be tested on, while completely skipping over important information that we actually need, like equations and how to use them. CLAS tutors are way more helpful. Lubin simply doesn't care. Don't take Lubin if you can help it, but he's not the worst. He's a bad teacher, but not a bad guy.

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PHYS3 . 12 Years Ago

Lubin in an awesome guy. Although his lectures stray far from textbook material, they are still interesting, though not useful. It is easy to do well in the class as long as you attend the lectures and bring your iClicker. If you want to learn about physics Lubin is not for you, but if you want to get a good grade and the credits, take it with him.

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PHYS4 . 13 Years Ago

Lubin is a chill guy. Does not lecture with a format or derive formulas in lecture. Keeps the atmosphere easy going and casual. Loved that he taught RLC circuits the way us EE's learn it. Got a B+ with relatively little effort. Take him if you want an alternative to your large lecture setting Roger Freedman kind of physics classes.

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PHYS4 . 13 Years Ago

Lubin is the best! He seems to be the only teacher in the 1-4 series that understands that Phys 1-4 is NOT for physics majors. He is fair and and good teacher as well.

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PHYS4 . 13 Years Ago

Knows everything about everything. Especially about how to grow glorious beards.

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PHYS4 . 13 Years Ago

A cool and nice dude, but I just couldn't care and he didn't really either.

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PHY3 . 13 Years Ago

BEST PHYSICS TEACHER EVER!!! Keeps the mood light in lecture, i am glad to have him again for physics 4!

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PHYS3 . 14 Years Ago

To get a great grade and move on, read the book. If you want to conceptually understand what's going on, pay attention in lecture. He's an easy grader and keeps the mood in lecture light and interesting. He knows what he's talking about and wants you to do well and understand. The tests seem insane but are graded generously.

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PHYS3 . 14 Years Ago

A very good physics teacher for engineers. He lectures conceptually which was much more useful to me than a physics teacher trying to derive every equation and treating us like we're physics majors. He teaches what you need to know, and he truly tries to apply the subject to the real world. You'll never have another teacher like him!

3 helpful 1 unhelpful
PHYS6 . 18 Years Ago

He's all over the place in lecture sometimes, but is entertaining. At first he may seem a little tough, but you'll definately benefit from going in to his office hours and talking to him. He's pretty cool about talking about grades.

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PHYSICS6B . 18 Years Ago

The worste teacher I have ever had in my life. he was late at least 10 min every class, sarcastic, disrespectful, terrible at lecturing/aswering questions and pathetic. I have no respect for him because he obviously had no respect for his class. final was absolutely rediculous:3hour 120 problems! I hate physics b/c of lubin. do not take this class!

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PHYS6B . 18 Years Ago

If you want to learn physics, do not take this teacher. His lectures do not usually follow his tests. Read the book and do the homework problems and that should be good enough for you to take the tests. Tests weren't difficult and he gave us some extra credit questions that helped with the test score. Overall wouldn't recommend this professor

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PHYS6B . 18 Years Ago

He was pretty funny but other than that his teaching sucked! He had pop quizzes so you basically had to go to class each time... too bad you dont learn anything during the lecture. Your physics book is your only hope for passing. AND for the final he gave us 120 physics multiple choice questions to do. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY!!! it rele sucked :/

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ASTRO1 . 18 Years Ago

i took this class in S05 actually.. i'd say his lectures were straight from the textbk so they were quite boring, but the prof himself is indeed a nice person, very friendly and willing to work out difficult situations with u if u have any (like i did coz i had family emergency), not a mean person at all.

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ASTRO1 . 19 Years Ago

The nature of Astronomy is really hard. Therefore, the class is really hard. Lubin and his TA's are relatively helpful, just make really good notes for the exams and you'll do fine.

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ASTRO1 . 19 Years Ago

I really liked the class. I thought Professor Lubin was really enthusiastic and interesting. His lectures did cover what was in the book, but they really helped to clarify things. He is also very willing to speak to his students.

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ASTRO1 . 19 Years Ago

This class is extremely boring. Lectures were pointless and no one ever went. Go to CLAS instead of lectures. Read the book for the homework and guess on the exams and you'll do fine.

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ASTRO1 . 19 Years Ago

nice guy but lectures are really boring and pointless. Everything he goes over is directly from the book. Tests are totally random and a lot of the stuff is not in the reading, and they cover a lot of abstract thinking kind of applications. You do get a cheat-sheet though

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ASTRO1 . 19 Years Ago

Don't take this class from Lubin! it's horrible! he makes no sense and rambles for the entire lecture. His midterms don't correspond to the lectures or homework. stay away!

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ASTRO1 . 19 Years Ago

horrible horrible professor! stay far far away. he rambles on and on about irrelevant things and hes too lazy to make his own slides; he just uses the ones from the textbooks website. not to mention the fact that he takes pride in kids failing his midterms (which have nothing to do w/the hw btw)

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ASTRO1 . 19 Years Ago

Do not take Astro 1 from Lubin!

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ASTRO1 . 19 Years Ago

he didn't teach anything. sure it's easy to get a good grade but that doesn't matter. I dropped his class and am happy for doing so

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