Philip Lubin

53 reviews
Get ready to read Lots of homework Tough grader Participation matters Lecture heavy Test heavy Graded by few things Skip class? You won't pass. Amazing lectures Clear grading criteria Inspirational Hilarious So many papers Respected Accessible outside class
Past quarters
25 / 30 Enrolled
Observational Astrophysics
Philip Lubin 2.6
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
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ASTRO1 . 2 Months Ago

Dr. Lubin is seriously dedicated to his students. The lecture mood is extremely welcoming, and his research interests are fascinating. The negative comments are from unappreciative people; the coursework itself is nothing to complain about. A very rare experience to have an incredibly knowledgeable prof that loves students.

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PHYS4 . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Probably my favorite physics professor so far. He does go on long tangents during lecture but they're applicable to the material we're learning. Doesn't really derive equations very often so reading the textbook is pretty necessary if you want to do well. Exams are difficult but fair.

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PHYS4 . 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

Literally one of the worst professors in UCSB. Does not even talk about physics in a physics class. It is super embarrassing to pay for this man to teach us physics. Our tuition goes to a man who talks about literally any other topic because it is interesting to him. Also encourages self studying and gives hours of homework to do. Avoid this man

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ASTRO1 . 3 Years Ago

This class was super easy, I did the work once a week. The midterm was relatively easy and the lectures are straightforward and there was no final. If you've done basic math like algebra 2 and so forth you should be fine, especially if you took a physics class.

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ASTRO1 . 3 Years Ago

Horrible. There was no syllabus at the beginning, and they changed how our grading was throughout the quarter. Long & boring lectures, I stopped watching because they didn't help. The website we used cost money and was easy. Easy class but poorly taught.

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ASTRO1 . 3 Years Ago

Aside from not providing us with a syllabus whatsoever, Professor Lubin, as the rest of these reviews state, gave horribly long lectures that had really nothing to do with the content. There are a couple homework chapters that get fairly tough when it comes to math, but the rest of it is mindless busy work that takes forever to finish.

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PHYS4 . 4 Years Ago

A very kind professor but not the best at teaching since he got distracted easily and went off on tangents of what he found interesting rather than what was helpful to the class. Quiet and boring lecturer.

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PHYS4 . 4 Years Ago

This prof teaches this class almost exclusively to electrical eng and expects all students to have same background. Often takes tangents for over 40 mins. Didn't derive anything all quarter, just talks a lot and reads from unclear slides. Also has papers due weekly, which are harshly graded and no feedback given. takes 5+ weeks to return grades.

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PHYS4 . 4 Years Ago

Makes you write a small weekly essay in addition to MasteringPhysics homework. Goes off on long tangents during lectures and never shows example problems in class. Instead just verbally explains concepts. Powerpoints are vague. Exams are ok but it's a lot of self studying. I'm sure he's a great researcher though.

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PHYS4 . 4 Years Ago

He goes off on random tangents during class. Doesnt teach most of what is on the homework.

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ASTRO1 . 5 Years Ago

I feel like Prof. Lubin sometimes get's a bad rap, he can be a little boring sometimes but he is really passionate about what he is talking about. Go to office hours! He is super nice and genuinely wants to help. Warning: final was A LOT harder than the midterm (which was pretty easy) but there was a fat curve on the final which made up for it

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ASTRO1 . 5 Years Ago

Homework was a piece of cake but the absurdly difficult, 110 question final worth 50% of your grade was not. Lectures are hilariously useless, as the professor goes off on tangents for 3/4 of the class. The only way I managed to scrape by was by reading the chapters over & over again, and still the final seemed impossible. Save yourselves!

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