Rate My Professors (55)

136O . Welter V W 8 Years Ago

One of my favorite professors on campus, I would take any class with him. Since its an ES/AH class, much less architecture demanding with things like memorizing names and locations, but rather that you understand the concept. Do the quizes and readings every week and you'll do fine. Go to office hours and its a guaranteed grade boost by a letter.

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ARTHI136M . Welter V W 8 Years Ago

Professor Welter is really awesome, but asks SO much of his students. We had 15 quizzes, 3 essays, and a final exam. You HAVE to do the readings or you'll fail the quizzes and he wants very specific details and analysis in the essays. This class is not easy and took up most of my time. But he's a great prof and lectures are interesting.

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ARTHI5A . Welter V W 8 Years Ago

Class is not hard at all. Attendance is important, but is not crucial to your grade. Weekly HW can be done in an hour and is easy. Final was easy because he gave you the questions beforehand through the online quizzes. The essays are only 1000 wrds and can be confusing but the TAs will help you if you ask for help. LAURA UR THE BEST TA!

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ARTHIST136K . Welter V W 9 Years Ago

Very condescending and makes you feel dumb for trying to contribute, but if you dont speak up, he assumes you didnt do the reading. No win. Be prepared to leave class embarrassed overwhelmed and worthless. Expect a ton of work and for it to be graded harshly.

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ARTHI5A . Welter V W 9 Years Ago

I only took this class for the GE but I loved it. The weekly journals aren't terrible, I did a few of them in 3 hours or less. Only 2 essays. The morning lecture time made it hard to stay awake but he really did talk passionately about some really interesting stuff. Final was a piece of cake, just do the online quizzes. 1010 would take again.

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ART5A . Welter V W 9 Years Ago

He is a nice normal professor, lectures are slightly boring but interesting. I thought this class was not to difficult and passed many practice quizzes without studying. He is very helpful I would recommend him.

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ARTHI136O . Welter V W 10 Years Ago

I took this class P/NP. I'm glad I did, because I got away with not putting much effort into it and passing. Prof Welter is really knowledgeable, so if you're actually interested in the subject, I suggest taking his class. He has weekly thinkpieces and takes attendance so you generally have to go to class

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ARTHI5A . Welter V W 10 Years Ago

Welter is a very energetic lecturer. He is very passionate about the subject and can go the entire lecture without pausing. Classes are what you make of them for the most part-interesting if you pay attention but it's easy to zone out. Two papers and a fair final. Not my favorite class but not so bad.

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ARTHI5A . Welter V W 11 Years Ago

Professor Welter is very set in his ways. He has very straightforward way of assessing architecture and the world in general. If you agree with everything he says then you'll like his quirkiness. If you don't, then his close-mindedness might be bothersome. Journals are fun, but his art history class was much less enjoyable than anticipated.

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HIST5A . Welter V W 12 Years Ago

I took him for the honors section. I highly recommend you to take the regular section. He grades very harshly and is very judgmental and contradictory toward the work you turn in. He also grades you on attendance if you miss a lot of class, he can actually bring down your grade significantly. I would never take him again.

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ARTHI5A . Welter V W 13 Years Ago

Professor Welter is a funny guy. Great personality. A little hard to understand with his accent, but you'll get used to it. Readings before class aren't really necessary. He doesn't post parts of the power points sometimes so think twice about not going to lecture. Doesn't require much work outside of class. Good arts class if you need that GE.

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ARTHI5A . Welter V W 14 Years Ago

Friendly teacher, and very motivated in subject. Got me interested in subject as well. Good class!

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ARTHI5A . Welter V W 14 Years Ago

8 am class but interesting!

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ARTHI5A . Welter V W 15 Years Ago

Honestly it was an interesting class I will never forget. The weekly think pieces is what really kicked my butt. They were not difficult, but they were extremely annoying. It might have not been my kind of topic... If you like writing and arhcitecture. Good Luck!

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ARTHI5A . Welter V W 15 Years Ago

sort of a lot of work (weekly 3 page essays), but he grades fairly. took the honors section with him- a nice guy. no midterm, final is 1 essay topic chosen from 6. lectures can sometimes get boring since they're an hr and 15 minute, but covers some interesting topics. very smart and good looking guy.

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ARTHI136O . Welter V W 15 Years Ago

My favorite professor in the architecture department! Grading is fair. Topics can get a bit repetative, but at least you remember enough to get a good grade on the midterm/final without hours of studying. Definitely take a class with him!!

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ARCH5A . Welter V W 16 Years Ago

3 page weekly papers, but the topics are not too difficult to write about. Not super interesting, but Welter is very attractive in a foreign/german kind of way. Does his best to make the subject matter interesting. The final is worth 50% of the grade.

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ARTHI5A . Welter V W 17 Years Ago

First class with Welter, but I plan on taking more of his classes. Very funny, easy subject matter, easy essays, and very interesting. Definitely changed my perspective on buildings' effects on nature. Intriguing accent and hilarious wardrobe.

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ARTHI5A . Welter V W 17 Years Ago

lectures are super boring but he tries his best to be funny...he gets that not everyone will stay awake in lecture and he doesnt care...he just loves to talk

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ARTHI136M . Welter V W 18 Years Ago

worst teacher ever? to be less melodramatic: welter is very eager to help--you have to be an idiot to not do well. the class was dull, but welter was enthusiastic and graded essays very easily. go to his office hours atleast once, and you're set.

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ARTHI5A . Welter V W 18 Years Ago

He's really mean and not helpful and his classes are super super super boring.

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ARTHISTOR186Y . Welter V W 19 Years Ago

definitely my favorite professor in ucsb so far. more knowledgable than possible. young, fresh off of Germany and a genious.

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136O . Welter V W 19 Years Ago

welter's hot.... in a pinstripe, pink shirt, nerdy smart, european kind of way. he's very helpful and very intelligent and his classes are all interesting.

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136O . Welter V W 19 Years Ago

Good class, at times a little boring but for the most part interesting. Welter seems to be a good/helpful/witty prof. Final was fairly easy and papers were graded, for the most part, fair.

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