
Rate My Professors (45)

SOC134A . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

The class is very straight to the point. While you do have to teach yourself a bit, I think it is worth it. Don't expect anything amazing in the lecture. Very dull and monotone presentations. The grading was very easy. All the material is online, so you really can get away without attending every class.

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SOC130EV . 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

easy professor and a really nice guy! while he may be a tiny boring to listen to, attendance isn't necessarily mandatory and all the assignments are pretty easy. very doable work, easy graders, and an overall easy course. he is passionate about the topic and we learned interesting stuff! highly recommend him!

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130SD . 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

While the class was relatively easy, you teach yourself all of the material. Professor teaches for the first week, and every class afterward consists of student presentations. The only assignments were 4 papers and a final that could either be a video or an additional paper, so if you like to write this is a good class fo you. Very kind grader.

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130SD . 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Class was made up of 4 writing assignments and 1- 60sec video. Class was easy but you do need to read the 4 books to understand what the class is about. No need to attend class as long as you keep up with the reading and submit your assignments on time. I hardly went to section but the TA was nice and helpful. Overall a easy class.

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SOC130EV . 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

very easy and simple class, lectures are boring/optional to attend but for assignments you need to watch the films/videos we discuss in class. very few assignments but they're easy and managable. extra credit for people that present first! very inspirational class :)

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SOC130EV . 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

One of my favorite and easiest soc classes I have taken. Very manageable workload and John is a really nice guy.

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SOC130EV . 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Foran is super sweet and caring. I found his class really informative and easy. Would definitely recommend if you want an easy class.

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SOC134A . 2 Years Ago

I don't understand the hype around Foran. He's a really boring lecturer and there were way too many films and guest lectures. The assignments didn't require much, if any, critical thought, which can be good if you want an easy class but I found boring. Recommend if you want an easy A, but not if you're really excited to learn about activism.

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SOC134A . 2 Years Ago

Foran is one of my new favorites in the soc department! Lectures are a little dry but he's well aware and tries to crack a few jokes to make up for it. You can tell he really cares about activism and tries to make this course fun for students, he is very considerate of his students. I would recommend him to anyone because of how considerate he is.

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SOC13OEV . 2 Years Ago

John is by far one of the nicest and most understanding Prof I've ever had. Assignments were readings/reflections which were all interesting, but lecture itself was very disorganized. Also, he's nice, but talks so so slow and doesn't seem prepared for class all the time. Eco Vista was very inspiring

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SOC130SD130EV . 2 Years Ago

I love John! The most personable professor at UCSB! Taken 6 of his classes now. All super fun and interesting. If you are passionate about the environment, he will make you even more passionate! He is super funny and quirky. Easy A if you show how passionate you are in your short papers. No tests and lots of mini readings - all interesting.

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SOC130SD . 4 Years Ago

John's classes are unconventional, but you learn a lot! Lecture is not necessary, but go to experience his deadpan humor. In terms of reading, there is a fair amount but they are some of the most interesting readings I've had in college - he is good at using material that is current & relevant. Easy A for sure. You won't regret a class with John!

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INT133B . 6 Years Ago

Passionate, readings and material are up to date and relevant towards today, many assignments, and lecture driven. Overall, Professor Foran is one of the teachers you have to take once in your academic career.

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SOC134RC . 6 Years Ago

John Foran is one of the most amazing professors at UCSB. He cares so much about the subject he teaches and about his students. You do not want to miss out a class with John

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130SD . 7 Years Ago

John Foran is a wonderful professor. I personally thought the lectures were way too dominated by student presentations, which I think is a lazy way to go about lecturing. However, aside from that John is extremely inspirational and passionate about his subject. The final group project was meaningful. Grading is mostly dependent on showing effort.

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SOC108 . 7 Years Ago

take foran if you get the chance, he is truly the #1 best professor on this campus. such an amazing guy and so helpful in office hours. such a kind heart

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ENV134CJ . 7 Years Ago

Hilariously dry. Great at dead pan jokes. Lots of group presentations during lectures. Really into activism. Offers lots of extra credit. Few reading assignments. Interesting texts. Cares about students. Really easy.

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ENVS134 . 8 Years Ago

Easiest class ever... But you won't learn much. John does not lecture, he moderates by having students and guests present. Somehow he is boring and funny at the same time. Eight 2-3 page papers with a lot of flexibility on what you can write about, no tests. You will need the books minimally so barrow them from the library.

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SOC134EC . 8 Years Ago

Foran's class is extremely easy! He assigns a lot of reading but you get to choose which ones you want to read because there are no tests or quizzes in the class. You get to choose your topic for your papers so you can basically choose which books you want to read.

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SOC134EC . 9 Years Ago

John Foran is an expert in his field and you will notice it by the first lecture. He does not play by the regular rules and give students the room to push the envelope. The knowledge you gain from this class will open your eyes to our worlds most pressing crisis and give you the motivation to consider radical plans of action.

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134 . 9 Years Ago

John is the best professor at UCSB I've had. All his lectures are discussion based, he's radical but also somehow manages to not push his views on you. His passion will invoke your own passion. The climate crisis is the biggest issue of our time and he will prove to you why and also what you can do about it from the unique perspective of sociology.

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SOC134EC . 9 Years Ago

most influential class Ive taken at UCSB. He is very concerned about our environmental and will do anything to get people involved in saving the world.

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SOC134EC . 9 Years Ago

One of the best professors, ever. You have to be listening to get a lot of the dry humor. Don't miss lectures. His classes always deal with the most important issues in the world and you're quite likely to become passionate and engaged with potentially radical ideas through his classes.

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SOC . 10 Years Ago

He is one of the most influential professors at the UCSB campus. He encouraged me to pursue sociology and showed me how to think on a deeper level . Even if you are not a sociology major you should take his class!

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