Rate My Professors (58)

ENG104B . Boscagli M 8 Years Ago

She kept us late every time and said we had nothing better to do than sit there. Tests were really specific. We had to memorize the publication dates for 45 works. There was almost no direction regarding studying or the paper. She has a huge ego. She didn't inform TAs about what was important for tests/paper. Love the topic, hate the professor.

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104B . Boscagli M 8 Years Ago

Boscalgi's a personality. She definitely loves what she talks about and has good knowledge of the literature and the time period. However, she doesn't use slides or post slides, and doesn't give study guides for her exams. If you have a hard time attending or paying attention in lecture, look for a different professor.

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ENG104B . Boscagli M 8 Years Ago

This class was the bane of my existence. I added it thinking it would be very interesting but I was way off. The professor should not be a professor. Her lectures are filled with ramblings and don't make any sense, her tests have surprises and the amount of reading she assigns is atrocious. The TAs thought her lecturing was ridiculous too.

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104B . Boscagli M 8 Years Ago

This is the absolute worst class I have taken at UCSB during my time here.I took this class thinking it would be an interesting GE and not too hard. On the contrary, there is an unbearable amount of reading, the midterm was insanely difficult, and the professor's lectures are all over the place. I would not recommend this class or this profefessor

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ENGL184 . Boscagli M 9 Years Ago

I took two classes with Professor Boscgali this summer session and I am so glad that I had the opportunity to be her student. She is really kind, thoughtful, and engaging with her students and if you come to her with any concerns she is always willing to hear you out and be understanding. Her class consists of passage IDs, paper, and a presentation

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CLIT30C . Boscagli M 9 Years Ago

There was an insane amount of reading and books in the course are very boring. You have to read or you won't pass the midterm and final. She's pretty nice, but expects you to be involved in lectures and make good comments. Her "presentation" is strange. She wants a general outline of main points and will interrupt you if its not what she wants.

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BRITLIT . Boscagli M 9 Years Ago

If she was my grandmother, I would enjoy her but as a professor, I wouldn't recommend her. She speaks quickly but barely has any information on her slides so you need to be typing fast. Also, missing lectures will obviously not help you out since everything she says might help on the test. Her accent is kind of thick so it's hard to understand.

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ENGL122CS . Boscagli M 9 Years Ago

Her discussions are at times aimless and it is unclear what she expects from you until the very end. Final exam was ridiculously difficult and specific and was almost impossible to study for without rereading everything the night before.

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104B . Boscagli M 9 Years Ago

No slides or anything. Lectures are difficult to follow. She often goes off on tangents. However, tests are relatively easy even if you don't read as she mentions all the passages that are in the test during lecture or they come up during section. Not hard but not an enjoyable class.

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ENGL104B . Boscagli M 10 Years Ago

She was an alright professor, but the lectures seemed irrelevant and the midterm/final were fairly difficult and VERY specific. The material was pretty interesting but the way it was presented was boring, dry, and prompted a few of my naps during class.

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ENGL104B . Boscagli M 10 Years Ago

Prof. Boscagli is one of the most interesting lecturers on this campus; her wit and humor keep the class interesting, and the reading is thoroughly captivating (though not necessary, I didn't read a single novel from this class). The midterm and final are difficult and full of somewhat tedious information, but it's an overall fantastic experience.

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ENGL104B . Boscagli M 10 Years Ago

Boscagli was an interesting professor. Her lectures do get a bit dry, but at times she has moments of pure brilliance. Readings are essential, but they are very interesting, and her lectures do add a lot to them. Section is mandatory. One 10-page paper, midterm and final. Overall, not easy, but not impossible, either. Would recommend.

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ENG104B . Boscagli M 10 Years Ago

This was one of the worst English classes I've taken at UCSB. As the previous commenter mentioned, the tests ask for useless info and the ID sections can be challenging. Moreover, she handed out a prompt for an 8 pg paper A WEEK before the due date which is also the day of the final. She seems to think her class is the only one you're taking.

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ENGL104B . Boscagli M 10 Years Ago

Doesn't really lecture about anything relevant in terms of taking tests. Tests have an emphasis on identifying author names, publication dates, and other typically useless information. Lectures are dry as well. Reading selection isn't bad, just needs a better professor to do them more justice.

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ENG104B . Boscagli M 11 Years Ago

DO THE READINGS! They're awesome, you'll read some great literature. If you do the readings, the class is easy. Lectures are interesting if you've done the readings. TAs were helpful, Christopher Walker was mine and he was terrific.

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ENG104B . Boscagli M 11 Years Ago

Nice and funny professor. I was skeptical in doing well as a pre-pharm student, but I got an A and have even decided to minor in English now. Read ALL the texts and listen in lecture and you'll do great on the midterm/final. Final paper was not bad either. A good TA also helps. Lecture can get dry, and there is a lot of reading but it's worth it!

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ENG114 . Boscagli M 11 Years Ago

My favorite English professor by far. Her reading materials and movies are really good. She's extremely nice and friendly. She's funny too! Provides excellent feedback on papers and her finals Are easy if you take notes and study. Good professor. Would recommend.

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CLIT30C . Boscagli M 12 Years Ago

Super funny and approachable. The class is basically reading novels and analyzing them. There was a ton of reading but midterm/final was easy.

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ENG122 . Boscagli M 12 Years Ago

One of my favorite professors at UCSB!

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ENG122 . Boscagli M 13 Years Ago

She is wonderful. Smart, funny, extremely accessible. I took a second class with her completely based on her teaching as opposed to the content. You will be asked to really consider things you may never have before. She makes the most tedious work interesting and relevant.

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ENGL128 . Boscagli M 13 Years Ago

Class was interesting, but the professor was dull. Mandatory attendance. I'd consider her better than some of the science professors, but generally not very engaging. If you're in the major, there are far more interesting professors to be spending your time with.

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ENGL122 . Boscagli M 13 Years Ago

This class was interesting overall but some of the abstract concepts we discussed were lengthy and didn't help with the final paper unless you chose that specific topic. She is very helpful outside of class during office hours. However, more teacher lecturing and less discussion than I would have liked for a 35person class

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ENG114 . Boscagli M 14 Years Ago

she has a strong accent but not difficult to understand. She is very funny, and extremely helpful in and out of class. She is an easy grader, but attendance is mandatory. Awesome teacher :)

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ENGL165W . Boscagli M 15 Years Ago

The class was rather boring, and there wasn't much class discussion just the teacher talking. Some of the concepts in the reader were rather complicated and not really explained, and sometimes I couldn't figure out how a certain reading had anything to do with the subject. A nice professor but not the most exciting class.

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