Rate My Professors (58)

ENG122 . Boscagli M A Month Ago

Nowhere to submit assignments on Canvas, so don't forget to email them to her at a random, unclear due date.

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BRITISHCULTURE . Boscagli M 6 Months Ago

Graded by final paper, final, and midterm. So much reading + the no lectures slides + only verbal lecture + thick accent + no canvas posts is a deadly combo if you're not very English-minded. I suggest you go to the lecture even though it isn't mandatory because most of the information/terms/prompts on the exams will come from there.

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104B . Boscagli M 8 Months Ago


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ENGL122UE . Boscagli M 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Lectures are ok but what makes her class so infuriating is that there is zero online correspondence. The responses everyone does are on different days and she only tells you your assigned days once at the beginning of the quarter. Idk why she doesn't use Canvas for an online class but it makes the class much less enjoyable.

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ENG104B . Boscagli M 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Boscagli was very accessible in uploading her lectures online which was nice. She would sometimes emphasize a word that she would repeat and say would be a huge part of the test, but then not spell it out or have it written anywhere for us to read which was frustrating. Tests were all written. Essays are also required.

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104B . Boscagli M 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

Personally, I loved this professor. Although the work is sort of difficult and there is a good amount of reading, I really loved taking two of her classes because she cares about what she is teaching and she is open to hearing all interpretations of readings-not like some other English professors who are looking for certain "right" interpretations.

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ENG122 . Boscagli M 2 Years Ago

She is good at her job, but her flaw was the way she teaches. Participation is mandatory in the class, if you have two absences she won't grade your final. She does not provide any activities for participation, her class is more of a book club. I do give her props on the novels she chooses because they were all an amazing read.

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INT94UX . Boscagli M 4 Years Ago

The worst class I've taken at UCSB, & that's not because of the course material. For a one-unit class, she had us write essays before section every week and was not understanding AT ALL in regards to COVID and individual circumstances. She was visibly displeased when people had differing opinions from her and she was condescending. Avoid

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ENG104B . Boscagli M 4 Years Ago

I absolutely loved professor Boscagli's class. She has an organized approach to her lectures which I deeply appreciated. She offers insightful connections between the works we read and the historical context in which they were written. I took her honors seminar concurrently and it was the best honors seminar I ever took at UCSB. Highly recommend

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ENGL104B . Boscagli M 5 Years Ago

Professor Boscalgi is amazing. She is a great lecturer and really funny at times. She doesn't do power points besides for paintings or portraits. I think power points for notes would hep make this class better. There was two papers, a midterm, and an exam. You have to work hard/study a lot to get an A.

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104B . Boscagli M 5 Years Ago

She's extremely knowledgable about the subject matter and I found the class extremely interesting. You'll be fine with spark notes, but lectures are mandatory as a lot of the themes and IDs she mentions are on the midterm and final. She lectures the entire time (no visuals) so if you're not good at listening, section helps a lot!

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104B . Boscagli M 5 Years Ago

She's hard to understand and her lectures are the longest, most sleep-inducing, but incredibly important.

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ENGL165CT . Boscagli M 5 Years Ago

Great person and genuinely cares about her students. However, her teaching style wasn't for me. This class didn't really have a structure; you just read what's assigned and go to lecture, and she just TALKS. No visuals, no activities. It's quite difficult to understand what her goal is for each class period. She's cool, but just wasn't for me.

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ENG184 . Boscagli M 5 Years Ago

Her class is very enjoyable as it is a smaller discussion set class. She assigns 8 novels, but are pretty short and interesting reads. There is a midterm and final with IDs and a final paper. She is extremely funny and silly and willing to help you out in and outside of class. Extremely knowledgeable and makes you think deeply about the texts.

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ENGL122UE . Boscagli M 5 Years Ago

She was very nice assuming you cared about the class even a little bit. Class was a discussion section every time with about 20 students. We had some good discussions and I don't feel that she was ever rude or unfair. Really enjoyed the course material and it changed the way I see cityscapes.

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ENGL184 . Boscagli M 6 Years Ago

Boscagli is an absolute treasure. Everything she says is of substance, and makes you think deeply about the reading. Not an English major, but she changed how I viewed literature and art. When she gave me good feedback on my midterm I cried because I have never been praised so genuinely and kindly by a professor. Cannot recommend her more.

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ENGL122UE . Boscagli M 6 Years Ago

Professor Boscagli wasn't the most pleasant professor to have. Often cut students off when they were talking, and when correcting students would come off as a little rude and patronizing. It was also never clear what we were supposed to take from each lecture. This is the class that you struggle to show up to - a typical mediocre professor/class.

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ENGL197 . Boscagli M 6 Years Ago

Always there to answer questions or provide additional help if necessary. Seminar set-up is small group discussion. Always makes really insightful points and gets you thinking. Every class affirmed my decision to be an English major! Loved it, definitely learned a lot, and got to read some amazing books.

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ENG104B . Boscagli M 6 Years Ago

Yes she has an accent, but that won't be an issue if you just focus on her lectures, which are extremely informative and interesting. The grading for the exams corresponds well to the material she relays, and the texts themselves are super interesting. I loved this class and it reminded me why I was an English major.

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ENG104B . Boscagli M 7 Years Ago

Funny, very nice. Heavy accent but easy to get used to & actually helped me pay attn. Must read almost all texts (can probably jump around the novels), but she goes over it pretty thoroughly in class, so make sure you go to class. The tests are hard if you don't read/study. Get Leah Norris as your TA if possible, really sweet, into the class, & hot

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ENG104B . Boscagli M 8 Years Ago

I had trouble understanding Professor Boscagli during some times in lectures. However, the readings for this class were incredibly interesting and her lectures provided great insight on them. For the midterm and final it is necessary to know quotes from all the readings, but if you go to lecture they should be familiar.

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ENGL104B . Boscagli M 8 Years Ago

Definitely not my favorite lecturers. She has a thick accent, talks low and soft, and repeats herself a lot. So, you will not WANT to listen to her, BUT doing so is the only way to pass the class. She tells you what you will need to know and write about on the tests. Conclusion: if you can pay attention to her lectures. then you'll do just fine.

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104B . Boscagli M 8 Years Ago

Anyone who rates Professor Boscagli so low obviously did not try very hard for the class. There is nothing impossible about this class. Her accent is thick but she repeats herself often throughout the lecture if something is important, so just pay attention. She's hilarious and adorable, make a real effort and you'll get an A.

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ENG104B . Boscagli M 8 Years Ago

The class was not bad and the lectures were interesting. Boscagli's funny, but sometimes she gets a bit off topic, but there's nothing wrong with her class.

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