
Rate My Professors (52)

ANTH7 . 9 Years Ago

I can pay attention for about an hour before I get bored. The lectures are 3 hrs long and his voice is very low and mumbly makes you wanna fall asleep. His class is based off more on what he thinks is right rather than the facts, so not paying attention can screw you over. The class in its entirety is interesting the lecture is just too long.

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ANTH7 . 10 Years Ago

Great professor. If interested in the class/ subject the information will come to you very easily and from what you likely already know, you wont need to do the readings. 3 hours can get tiring, but it isnt like Tooby chose the schedule. T/F mid term and final. If better on final than midterm will replace. final=55% grade, midterm=25%.

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ANTH7 . 10 Years Ago

Explains things very clearly, assigns reasonable work and tests. Lectures are enlightening if you can pay attention for three solid hours. Never did any reading and got an A+. Class material all makes sense in general concepts and is very intuitive.

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ANTH7 . 11 Years Ago

I really want to like Tooby. He is brilliant, but unfortunately his lecturing skills are not outstanding. It is really easy to just zone out because of the monotone quality. However, the class is easy. He clearly wants students to succeed by just giving basic assignments that test concepts.

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ANTH7 . 11 Years Ago

Seriously if you dont need to take the class for the major...DONTTTT........ terrible 3 hour long class...monotone boring professor, and he will even tell you that he sucks at lecturing, if it wasnt because of my amazing TA Eric...I would have never been able to understand the concepts just by listening to him....Avoid him at all costs

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ANTHR7 . 12 Years Ago

Just horrible. Horrible professor, TA's that are not helpful and boring lectures. How people pass this class is beyond me. Don't take unless you really need it.

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ANTH7 . 12 Years Ago

Worst class I've ever taken. Lectures are boring and unorganized. I never bought the books and never paid attention to his class. Got a good grade because it was repeated material from other anthro classes. His test are too much. Final was 200 2-3 sentence questions. Do not take this class if you don't have to.

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ANTH7 . 13 Years Ago

Worst class I have ever taken. Three hour lecture was absolutely mind numbing. Mid term was 90 T/F with 10 MC. At least 100-200 pages of reading every week that I stopped doing after the midterm. Stopped going to lecture after the midterm too. As a professor, he's terrible. Abandon all previous knowledge on this subject and think like he does. BAD.

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ANTHANTH . 13 Years Ago

I do not know what everyone is talking about. Read this site expecting to take a great class with a great teacher, turned out to be BEYOND boring with the 3 hr lecture, difficult T/F tests, and useless readings. I was put to sleep every lecture because of his monotone voice and lack of enthusiasm. I would NOT recommend this class to anyone!!

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ANTHR7 . 14 Years Ago

His tests are mostly true false questions, which pose a problem for me. I got a B+ I'm not sure how as the tests were mostly guess work for me. He's very smart and a pioneer in Evolutionary Biology. First hour of class is new material and the last two hours are a rephrased version of the first hour. 3 straight hours is painful, though.

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ANTH07 . 14 Years Ago

So brilliant. His classes are fascinating and he's very accessible

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ANTH7 . 15 Years Ago

I wanted to like Tooby, I really did. Unfortunately the 3 hr class format does not work in his favor. He spends a lot of time re-clarifying points which he's made clear and as such comes across as boring. I've read his articles for other classes and I know he is incredibly intelligent, I just wish his zeal came through in class.

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ANTH7 . 16 Years Ago

I took anthro 7 because a friend told me it was an interesting class. That was an understatement, still my favorite class I've taken in college. Tests were easy, plus if you improve from midterm to final, only final grade is taken. Lecture was long but made it so you didnt need to do the 1000+ pages of reading. Excellent class, fascinating subj

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ANT105 . 16 Years Ago

The greatest teacher that i have ever had. Bar none the most intelligent and interesting person i have ever met.

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ANTH107 . 17 Years Ago

I am so incredibly fortunate that I had the opportunity to learn from him. He is a brilliant person, kind, and humble, with an intelligent sense of humor. Don't miss the chance to take a class with him.

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ANTH107 . 18 Years Ago

Buy AS notes for his class, no need to be in lecture. Do the reading

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ANTHRO121 . 19 Years Ago

One of the most intellegent beings you will ever encounter- so smart that its hard to follow his mind sometimes- the best professor Ive had as far as interesting lectures and readings- props to old mr Tooby standing for three hrs a week lecuring us with his brilliant ideas!

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ANY . 19 Years Ago

Tooby is brilliant and humble. His teaching truly changed the way I see the world!

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7AND107 . 19 Years Ago

Tooby is a great teacher! Full of information and has a good, subtle sense of humor. ANTH 7 is a great class-very interesting. 107 was a little painful to sit through, but was ok because he was teaching it. Sit up front to hear him.

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BIOSOCIAL . 19 Years Ago

He was my favorite professor of all time. Try an evolutionary psychology class with him and you'll be hooked! He's the reason why I chose the major and, although he doesn't use any special techniques, his lectures just speak for themselves.

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ANTH7 . 19 Years Ago

Tooby is genius. Loved the material, class was 3 hours long =(, but very very cool. He's a leader in the field of Evolutionary Psychology, if you can take a class with him do it!!!

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ANTH7ANTH121T . 19 Years Ago

interesting stuff....

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ANTH . 19 Years Ago

Lectures are painful. Tooby is a genius, very bright, well studied in his field but GOOD GOD lectures are painful. But if you are extremely interested in human evolution and darwinism, Tooby's your man.

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ANTHRO7 . 19 Years Ago

Tooby is a genius and is a Pioneer in the field. If I stayed awake during the 3 hour lectures and read one of the books I KNOW I would've gotten an A but I slept, and didn't even buy the books and I still got a B+. It's not a hard class at all, everyone should take it. Just remember the principles

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