John Tooby

52 reviews
Lecture heavy Get ready to read Inspirational Test heavy Tough grader Graded by few things Clear grading criteria Respected Amazing lectures Would take again Hilarious
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ANTH7 . 2 Years Ago

Long tests and boring lectures, but fairly easy class.

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ANTH7 . 3 Years Ago

He assigns a ridiculous amount of reading but honestly never read and only watched 3/4 of his recorded lectures. Easy to get a decent grade with minimal effort if already good at thinking thru anthro questions. Tests were true/false and some multiple choice. Lectures are boring but normally talks about at least 1 cool thing during them

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ANTH7 . 3 Years Ago

Toobys alright. Hes old and talks slow. The class content is fairly straight forward if youre already familiar with bio Anth. I wouldnt take it if youre not in the major though. He has a lot of required readings and if I wanted to buy all the books I probably couldve gotten the A. Just go to lecture and listen youll be fine.

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ANTH7 . 3 Years Ago

Incredibly smart man but painfully boring lectures. Slides didn't make sense, they were more for him to remember certain points, bad for visual learners. Problem sets were also long and assigned his entire book the first week. Maybe he's better in person but I wouldn't take this course unless you have to. Seriously, there was so much reading!!!!!!!

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ANTH07 . 3 Years Ago

The lectures were a bit boring and seemed somewhat redundant. Reading the textbook and talking to TAs will suffice to get a good grade. There was a lot of common sense questions on tests and the readings were fairly easy and short.

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ANTH7 . 4 Years Ago

Literally the most boring dry lecturer I have ever had. So old he speaks at the volume of a mouse and goes on long unrelated tangents. I understand he basically invented the discipline but really needs to retire. Also tried to make us take our final in person during corona. Luckily you don't need to go to lectures at all to pass the class.

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ANTH07 . 4 Years Ago

Professor Tooby is, in my opinion, genuinely so brilliant. But his lectures were so unbelievably boring. Material is super interesting, so the words coming out of his mouth were interesting. Problem was that he usually mumbled/trailed off/got sidetracked. Most of the material is self-explanatory. Midterm and final were mostly T/F questions.

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ANTH07 . 6 Years Ago

This class is painfully boring. The material itself is interesting, but the professor is just so dry and mumbles quite often. I don't remember not dozing off during these nearly 3 hour long lectures. Half the class stopped showing up after realizing attendance wasn't mandatory. If you love yourself, do not take unless you have to.

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ANTH7 . 6 Years Ago

Took his Intro to Biosocial Anthropology course for a GE and oh boy was it easy. Lectures are a brutally long, but honestly you could skip every single class and be fine. He doesn't take attendance and the only reason I actually showed up was because I used it as a study hall for chem lmao. Just read powerpoints before tests! That's it!

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ANTH7 . 6 Years Ago

This class was extremely difficult to pay attention in, even though I am an anthro major. He is mumbly, un-engaging, and sometimes went overtime on an already 2 hour and 40 minute lecture. He's a nice guy but that's all I can say for him. The one good thing is I still got an A+ without doing any of the reading, just study lecture notes and homework

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ANTH07 . 6 Years Ago

Tooby wasnt my cup of tea to say the least. The class was relatively easy, but the lecture was painful.. he had a hard time keeping my attention. Reading is very important in understanding concepts. He posts his lecture slides, but they can be dense.

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ANTH7 . 6 Years Ago

He is a nice guy, but the most boring lecturer. He had questions on his midterm we hadn't gone over yet in the class, but at least there was almost a full letter grade curve. Basically grading is all tests and then a little for section. Not really a fun class to take but also not the end of the world.

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