
Rate My Professors (43)

WRIT109HP . 3 Years Ago

I like how she set up one-on-one meetings and she's clear, but this class is not useful and i didn't learn anything new. Her feedback is contradicting and she is pretentious and disrespectful. she has made multiple comments about disease in Africa that as a professor in the health professions should not be making.

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WRIT107P . 3 Years Ago

Professor Mizrahi has been my favorite professor throughout my experience at UCSB. She assigned homework that actually helped improve our writing skills and during lectures she gave us real-world advice that has been super invaluable. This is her last quarter teaching at UCSB and I'm so glad I got to be in her class.

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WRIT109HP . 3 Years Ago

Although she's a knowledgeable, experienced writer and a straightforward, articulate speaker, she's pretentious and makes you feel inadequate when you ask for help. She says she's there for her students, but when asking for her opinion, will leave you on your own and not help you at all. Main assignments were personal statement and medical report.

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WRIT107P . 3 Years Ago

Didn't give 1 star was because she actually is a good writer. HOWEVER, she is SO inaccessible outside class. I could not schedule ANY outside appointments with her and she overlaps scheduled appointments with my class's OH, so I can't even meet her then! Lastly, she is quite pretentious about her grading policy and I can't wait for this to be over.

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WRIT107J . 7 Years Ago

I love Prof. Mizrahi. Extremely intelligent lady who gives great feedback on your assignments. She really pushes you and helps you become the best writer you can be. That being said, her personality isn't for everyone because she is a little sassy. But I absolutely love her and have taken her twice already. 10/10 would recommend!

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WRIT107WC . 7 Years Ago

Took her for journalism and web content writing. Really knows her stuff about the professional writing field and has years of experience. A lot of writing but it's not overly hard, and she'll give you really useful direction if you ask her. Office hours are a huge help but she's very helpful in class too. Hands down one of my favorite professors.

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107J . 8 Years Ago

Janet Mizrahi is convinced that she is the a god-send to journalism. She has a very large ego despite not knowing much. She genuinely appears to enjoy criticizing students. Her feedback is not helpful. She commonly contradicts herself. (She will critique the exact changes she asked you to make). Beside all this her class is laughably easy.

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107J . 8 Years Ago

I really enjoyed Prof. Mizrahi. She really knows her stuff about all different types of journalism, down to all the small details. She is a tough grader and makes you work hard, but it's so worth it. She's super helpful with editing and gives tons of feedback to help you improve. No tests, just writing assignments. Taking her again next quarter!

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WRIT107B . 8 Years Ago

Great class to learn about professional ways of communicating- professional emails, cover letters, resumes, etc. You should definitely take this class if you plan to work in a professional environment. Group project is pretty time consuming but not too hard.

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107J . 9 Years Ago

If you're interested in journalism at all this is a really great class. You learn about so many different areas of journalism and mizrahi truly knows the business. She is a tough grader however and will tell you to rewrite a whole paper if she thinks its not good. Be prepared to work hard, but she's honestly a great person!

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WRITING109HP . 9 Years Ago

Had some major frustrations with this professor contradicting herself. There were two instances when I presented her with essentially the same essay (once during optional office hours and another time during a mandatory meeting), and had drastically different responses. Furthermore, she criticized amendments she had made in my papers :

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WRIT107B . 10 Years Ago

Class will prepare you for communicating effectively and professionally in the business world. Take it during your last semester you make a cover letter and resume in class which you can use to apply to actual jobs. She is a tough grader make sure to read the rubrics if you want A''s on your assignments. I only bought the 5 reader and got an A-

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WRIT109HP . 11 Years Ago

Amazing professor! Took her Writ109HP class over the summer and it was a great experience. There are two major papers: a personal statement & a 10 page research paper. There is a lot of work, no doubt... but if you put in the effort, you will learn a lot and do well. Highly recommend taking this course and this professor!

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WRIT107B . 11 Years Ago

Professor Mizrahi is a caring and professional teacher. I am currently in WRIT 107B, and I can say fairly confidently this is the most applicable class I will take while at UCSB. You will learn not only the essentials of business writing, but also how to conduct yourself in the professional world. Could not recommend professor Mizrahi more!

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WRIT107B . 12 Years Ago

Awesome professor. She knows what she's talking about and she really wants to help all her students understand the material. I highly recommend this class!

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WRIT107B . 12 Years Ago

My absolute favorite Professor at UCSB! She is so sassy and funny, and manages to explain business writing in very simple terms! Highly recommend taking a class with her!

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WRIT109 . 13 Years Ago

She is an excellent professor. Very passionate about the subject and willing to spend time with students at her office hours. It is a difficult class, but you WILL become a better writer if you take it and put in the necessary time.

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WRTIN109 . 13 Years Ago

The scarest professor ever. She should learn how to become a good professor insead of being scary one.

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WRIT107P . 13 Years Ago

One of the most frustrating professors I have ever had. She would tell you to change parts of your project, and then go back and say "Actually I liked it better before." It's one of those things like- you almosttttt got it. You won't get a C unless you don't go to class though.

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WRIT109 . 13 Years Ago

Amazing professor and very passionate about teaching. She wants all of her students to succeed and this class will help you if you're willing to do the work. Lots of work throughout the quarter, but it pays off in the end making the research paper very easy to write. Take her for sure!

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WRIT109 . 13 Years Ago

GREAT professor. The class is not exactly easy though, so do not take it if you are not expecting to do minimal work and get an easy A. It IS however possible to get an A, but only if you put in a LOT of work and effort. Mizrahi is always on hand to help though, and really knows her stuff, so don't be afraid to go to office hours.

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WRIT109E . 13 Years Ago

Great Professor. The marketing plan is hard but worth the effort and mizrahi helps will every step of the process. Things learned were applicable to the real world and very useful. She helped me become a much better writer.

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WRIT2 . 14 Years Ago

I would strongly recommend her. I always liked going to class because she is funny/approachable/very caring. She is a hard grader but you learn a lot. She was pretty lenient toward us freshmen during FSSP.

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WRIT109 . 15 Years Ago

She is not the easiest professor, but she is fair and you also learn a lot from her! I felt like I took away a good amount of information and would HIGHLY recommend taking this class with her. She's a pretty legit professor!

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