Francisco Lomeli

35 reviews
Skip class? You won't pass. Tough grader EXTRA CREDIT Get ready to read Would take again So many papers
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SPAN135 . 5 Years Ago

I never write reviews but here I am. I feel compelled to help out my fellow gauchos, and warn all to not take this class. The material and classroom discussions are interesting and intriguing but this grading criteria is extremely unclear. His way or the highway, dont even try to voice your opinion because it will be "wrong."

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CHST181 . 6 Years Ago

Severely disappointed. Words can't express how much I hated him. Subject material is fine, but he's a tough grader. He is what they call "basura." Didn't turn in grades on time, didn't show up to office hours. For sure an unfair grader! Save yourself and your GPA, and your time, and your tears, and SKIP OUT ON THIS PROFESSOR!!!

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SPAN179 . 7 Years Ago

Lomeli has a lot of weird criteria that are hard to follow. He thinks about the books in his own way, and isn't really open to other interpretations. He grades essays/tests very harshly, and assigns a heavy amount of reading. There are extra credit opportunities if you make in-class presentations. Your grade is 1 MT, 1 final, essay, and attendance

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CHST180 . 10 Years Ago

I took this class this past summer and loved it! I was able to use my brother's reader from summer 2010 and all the books were the same too! He has you read a novel, a series of short stories, a short play and some poems from the reader. He gives you extra credit for participation, so participate as much as you can and ALWAYS attend class!

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CHST180 . 14 Years Ago

Attendance is mandatory during summer. Interesting lectures, but his opinion is the only opinion. Papers were difficult because he wanted "new" ideas about the subjects, but everything was covered in class. Tests were very easy as long as you went to lecture.

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CHST181 . 14 Years Ago

Awefull class! too lazy to write more. he sucks tho

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SPAN183 . 18 Years Ago

Kept class interesting and really knew what he was talking about. The novels we read were gripping and addictive. Tests are moderately difficult, just read what he tells you to, duh! He truly cares for his students and whether they are understanding the material or not. One of the nicest Spanish professors I have ever had.

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CHICST . 18 Years Ago

This guy was the worst. He has no regard for his students understanding or anything but his own opinions or views, if you have anything other than those, you're f**ked. Stay away from this class... not even kidding. Oh and he glares at small children. (including myself when i was young and before i knew him)

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SPANI400 . 18 Years Ago

Lomeli was one of my all-time favorite professors. He always had time for his students, and even held study sessions at his home with the entire class.

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CHSTSPAN . 19 Years Ago

I hated his class. He tries to enforce his views on his students. He is very unclear with what he expects from his students. I tend to write well, but with him it was never what he wanted. Unless you plan to agree with him 100%, do not take this class.

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CHICST . 19 Years Ago

i would like to apologize to anyone who has had a chicano studies class with this guy teaching it. Its a cool major! too bad the professor's suck

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CHICST . 19 Years Ago

worst professor at ucsb, somebody needs to fire him. he needs to go teach in spain because he is no chicano.

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