David Fowler

11 reviews
Hilarious Caring Get ready to read Accessible outside class Participation matters Skip class? You won't pass. Amazing lectures Clear grading criteria Gives good feedback Respected Lecture heavy
Past quarters


RGST11 . 5 Years Ago

He will make you laugh. Great guy, cares about his students, intelligent, patient. I wish he could teach all my classes.

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RGST190 . 5 Years Ago

BEST experience @ UCSB. Great teacher, very knowledgable, available outside of class office hours & by email, he's understanding, and he cracks great jokes during lecture! He makes the material comprehensible. You need to go to class & Must do the reading. Dr. Dave enjoys class participation and your grade reflects it--in a good way! :) Must Take

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RS20 . 5 Years Ago

Relies a bit too much on Power Point, but overall a good class in which I learned a great deal. Professor Fowler covered a huge amount of material, but still managed to knit things together in an understandable way.

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RS160A . 6 Years Ago

Professor Fowler/Dr. Dave is a great teacher - hes knowledgeable, explains material well, deeply cares whether you understand it, & is very helpful & available in office hours/email. Awesome class.

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RGST160A . 6 Years Ago

Dr. Dave is awesome! He is so caring and understanding. Gives you opportunities to makeup assignments given an emergency. He made the course so interesting and easy to comprehend. The class itself was so fun to learn about early Hindu traditions and Gods and Goddesses. Would definitely take again!

4 helpful 0 unhelpful
RGST11A . 6 Years Ago

did not really enjoy the class or his teaching style, do not take

3 helpful 7 unhelpful
HIST88 . 6 Years Ago

Really enjoyed the class. Professor Fowler gives solid lectures and involves the class as well. Very relatable, nice guy. Helpful in office hours too.

4 helpful 2 unhelpful
HIST88 . 7 Years Ago

if you want to take it pass/no pass(like me) you don't need to work hard for his class. He mentions everything you need to know for quizzes in class so plz plz pay attention to his lectures and that's basically all you need to do.

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RS20 . 7 Years Ago

He's very kind/caring and intelligent, but he never cracks the window when the room is hot and his voice sounds like God, so lecture is like being wrapped in a warm blanket while listening to bedtime stories. Basically nap time. Completely 100% based on rote memorization. PowerPoint heavy but posts on Gauchospace. Attendance not mandatory. Easy A.

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RGST11A . 9 Years Ago

If you know Hindi, it may be a little difficult. Having some background tends to make your mind want to get through the class rather than learning the actual structure, but not impossible to get an A. The teacher is really nice and always willing to explain. He emphasizes office hours and if you go it makes you look good & can help with your grade.

6 helpful 0 unhelpful
RS20 . 13 Years Ago

He's a graduate student and so super knowledgeable that you forget he isn't a professor. You totally have to go to class and read everything to get a good grade (duh right). Best thing is his deep 'Barry White' voice. I never get tired of listening to him; I like to close my eyes and imagine him singing 'You're the First, the Last, My Everything".

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