Raisa Feldman

29 reviews
Gives good feedback Lots of homework Tough grader Caring Respected Accessible outside class Lecture heavy Participation matters Amazing lectures Clear grading criteria Test heavy Graded by few things
Past quarters


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PSTAT213 . 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Tough but very kind and patient professor

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PSTAT274 . 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Raya is amazing, but you have to work/ study hard.

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PSTAT274 . 2 Years Ago

Prof. Feldman is very helpful in and outside of classroom. She provides all lecture notes, slides and example questions. The lectures are a bit math-heavy but the formulas and concepts needed for homework/quizzes are given explicitly in the course materials. Also she gives a complete guide of final project and you can meet with her in OH for help.

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PSTAT213 . 2 Years Ago

Truly excellent instructor.

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PSTAT174 . 3 Years Ago

Homework was quite difficult; I recommend taking advantage of office hours as much as possible. Final project was 50% of the grade, but you get a ton of support. One lecture was just the professor doing the project herself, code included. She will also meet with you one-on-one to discuss your project if asked; be sure to do this!

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PSTAT174 . 3 Years Ago

Lectures are uninteresting and slides are too dense. Not the best lecturer. She lets you retake quizzes which is nice. Quiz on Friday, office hours Monday where she reviews quiz answers, retake same quiz Tuesday. Go to office hours! Take the final project seriously since it's worth 50% of the overall grade.

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PSTAT274 . 4 Years Ago

Dr. Feldman really wants her students to learn the materials. You have to study the first several weeks really well on the theory part in order to get good grade on the quizez (which is significant for your grade). Go to office hour is really helpful. She's always there being really nice and get ready to help. Same thing for the final project.

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PSTAT173 . 4 Years Ago

A strong accent and speak too fast. Jumping around

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PSTAT174 . 4 Years Ago

Jesus christ. Where do I start? Take only if you have to. Quizzes are worth 40% of your grade. Only two per quarter. Final is 40%. The outline for the final loose, vague, and unhelpful. Her grading is not only harsh, but some of her criticisms were directly answered in my report. Her office hours are unhelpful handwaving and just as vague.

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PSTAT210 . 6 Years Ago

She doesnt know how to teach at all. She can only copy and paste her lecture notes. When write homework, you shall only follow her logic, or she would think you are wrong. Rediculous.

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PSTAT174 . 7 Years Ago

Professor Feldman is an incredible teacher and is very well respected in the department. That being said, she is a tough teacher and has no problem failing students who don't put in the effort. Its not an easy A, but still probably one of the most important classes in the major. Office hours are a must if you want to pass the class

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PSTAT174 . 7 Years Ago

Pstat 174 was my favorite stats class by far. Professor Feldman is incredibly brilliant and so helpful in her office hours. No midterm or final, just weekly homeworks and a final project. I would absolutely take a class with her again!

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