Ahmad Ahmad

27 reviews
Get ready to read Graded by few things Participation matters Beware of pop quizzes Respected Lecture heavy Accessible outside class Tough grader Amazing lectures Would take again Inspirational
Past quarters
60 / 60 Full
Islam and Modernity
Ahmad Ahmad 2.9
17:00 PM - 18:15 PM
47.6% A
RG ST 285
2 / 10 Enrolled
Fatawa Literature
Ahmad Ahmad 2.9
10:00 AM - 12:50 PM
See All
RGST6 . 3 Months Ago

Hands down the worst class I've take, not even Econ 140A and no one likes steigerwald, I literally took his class almost 2 years ago but I came here to be petty. His lectures were unorganized and he seems to get a kick from picking on students who aren't knowledgeable about islamic law. He gave us a midterm the day, no warning.

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RGST-125A . 1 Year, 2 Days Ago

Ahmad Ahmad gave us a 3000 word essay with a 12 hour notice that made up our ENTIRE grade and told us that we all did a terrible job in his class. Not a single person has any idea what he taught us in the class because of his poor organizational skills. He is a smart smart man however he should not be a professor.

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RELRGST . 2 Years Ago

Took RGST125A. The class was graded with 50% participation plus two papers worth 25% each. There were a lot, and I mean A LOT of moments in this class where I didn't understand anything that was going on. With that being said, Ahmad is a nice guy, and while he goes off-topic more than he actually lectures, it was an interesting class.

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RGST2 . 3 Years Ago

not a religious studies course. The professor is obviously very smart but bases his class off of comparative law and anything relating to law because that is what he enjoys. Also doesn't communicate well with the students and dropped a ten page paper on the students for a final after saying the final would be either 300 or 1500 words.

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RGST119 . 5 Years Ago

His off topic digressions are the most interesting parts of the class because he knows an incredible amount about history and philosophy and is as well read as anyone you'll ever meet. The readings are short but dense and the course objective was a little unclear but he'll notice if you put in the effort and give you the benefit of the doubt.

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RGST119 . 5 Years Ago

He does digress off topic and the course objective is not very clear but you only have to read 20 pages per week so as long as you do that you should do well. He can come across as intense or condescending but he's an easy grader and dropped the lowest of 3 pop quizzes for everyone in class.

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RGST6 . 7 Years Ago

Prof. Ahmad is very knowledgeable, but his lectures are just a supplement to the readings and lecture material is usually not on the test. Sometimes he mumbles, so it's best to sit near the front of the room. Class was based on two books and wasn't too difficult to read either. Every quiz and test was accompanied by a study guide thanks to TA.

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RGST6 . 8 Years Ago

Dont take this class for an easy A. Dr. Ahmad is so smart but just rambles all class long and does not have any structure in his lectures there are almost pointless in going too(currently in one ). The topic is extremely boring, vague, and i feel like i havent learned anything even though i was excited 2 take this class. Save yourself b4 its 2 late

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RGST119E . 8 Years Ago

Professor Ahmad is incredibly knowledgable. While the course was discussion based and thus not heavily structured like a typical lower div, it was incredibly engaging and I learned so much. You need to do the readings. There's no skating through his classes; if you aren't in it to really learn, don't take it. Participation is necessary.

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RGST119E . 9 Years Ago

Professor Ahmad is a brilliant guy. With that being said, he constantly digresses, and sometimes goes far beyond what his original topic was about. He knows so much history, theory, authors, etc. With no certain course outline besides what he assigns to read, the course objective of the class is very unclear.

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RGST2 . 9 Years Ago

Prof. Ahmad is perhaps one of the most smartest men I've ever met in my entire life. You can just feel it, I mean like the guy got his PhD from Harvard. That being said, he has a tendency to ramble sometimes. Read the chapter for the week for R. Studies 2 and youre set. Fairly interesting class. No tests. Just an essay and presentation at the end.

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RGST2 . 12 Years Ago

Not very easy to understand in clarity of speech and subject. I had a hard time following his reasoning. I think it may be a culture difference as I have taken another class on Islamic studies with a different professor and had a hard time as well (and Im not the only one)

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