Anne Taves

8 reviews
Lots of homework
Past quarters


RS18 . 7 Years Ago

Lectures are super boring & completely pointless. She posts her slides online but everything she says is already on her slides. 1/2 the time she just faces the screen & reads directly off it. I stopped coming to class bc I can read from my bed. many tedious assignments but you only need to write a lot of quotes on so i just typed the textbook

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RGST138 . 14 Years Ago

I had Taves for 15 too which wasn't so great. However, she was AMAZING in 138. The class size is small and is conducted in a seminar style. She is very interested in what her students have to say. You pretty much have a 5 pg essay due every week on the reading but they are easy and you learn a lot. She's a great person and a great professor.

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RGST70 . 15 Years Ago

NEVER EVER TAKE THIS CLASS. you will leave every day feeling less educated and having wasted every minute. Makes you contemplate suicide for an hour and a half twice a week and then she gives you bad grades. Makes you sit in "pods" and wear name tags like first graders. DONT TAKE IT. EVER. SERIOUSLY.

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REL15 . 15 Years Ago

Came into class thinking it would be about the Teaching if Jesus. Nope. Teachings of random people and what they think of Jesus. Very boring lectures, bland, she knows her stuff but doesn't know how to present it.

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RGST15 . 16 Years Ago

Material is very interesting and she most of the time knows what she's talking about (beware of explanation on the activation model). But...she's very dry and uninteresting when she presents material which made the class initially dissapointing, dull, and unstimulating. Get Foose for TA if you can, he helped A LOT!

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RELG138 . 16 Years Ago

Ann is a great prof! Leads wonderful discussions

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REGST15 . 16 Years Ago

very dry. Came into this class excited and thinking it would be interesting but her boring lectures sucked all my interest out of the class. the three papers seem to be all on the same topic. her power points are basically all just extremely long quotes from the reader. nothing else really. i learned the most from my TA (reg st 15)

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RGST138D . 17 Years Ago

The class topic was interesting but the reading is BORING and you have to do it. Prof Taves is great though- very fair- and cares about what the students think, even asking us when we'd like the paper to be due! she's never disrespectful towards us. Kinda tough on grading exams but a nice curve.

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