Paul Atzberger

54 reviews
Lots of homework Caring Graded by few things Lecture heavy Clear grading criteria Test heavy Accessible outside class Group projects Get ready to read Respected Tough grader Skip class? You won't pass. EXTRA CREDIT Tests? Not many Would take again Gives good feedback Beware of pop quizzes
Past quarters
33 / 45 Enrolled
Operations Research
Paul Atzberger 2.6
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
42.9% A
6 / 20 Enrolled
Seminars in Mathematics
Paul Atzberger 2.6
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
100.0% A
15 / 50 Enrolled
Seminars in Mathematics
Paul Atzberger 2.6
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
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MATH 124B Atzberger P J Spring 2024 Total: 46
MATH 124A Atzberger P J Winter 2024 Total: 53
MATH 260EE Atzberger P J Winter 2024 Total: 10
MATH 260HH Atzberger P J Winter 2024 Total: 8
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MATH124A . Atzberger P J 8 Months Ago

Very good professor. The lecture is little bit boring but he posted very informative notes on his website. The practice exam was similar to the real exams. Even though you get the wrong answer on the exam , he gave 90% credits for the steps.

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MATH124A . Atzberger P J 1 Year, 30 Days Ago

Horrible class and big lack of support in all aspects.

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MATH104B . Atzberger P J 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

He has a tough vocabulary in his lectures that makes you not be able to understand what's happening (he says "intuitively" 2932741 times), especially when class is early in the morning its hard to want to go to class. Only reason I have an A is because I crammed for the midterm and learned everything reading the textbook chapters.

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MATH4B . Atzberger P J 2 Years Ago

Such a genuine human and a great lecturer was very easy too

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MATH4B . Atzberger P J 2 Years Ago

In my opinion, professor Atzberger is not a bad lecturer. He is definitely passionate and knowledgeable about what he is teaching, but he forgot that we are all just undergraduate students trying to pass, not PhD students doing research with him. The exams are super easy though, the first time I got 100/100 in a college math course.

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MATH4B . Atzberger P J 2 Years Ago

Godly Professor, cares about students wellbeing and adjusts his class based on students needs.

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MATH4B . Atzberger P J 2 Years Ago

His lectures are extremely hard to follow up and they make you feel like an idiot most of the time... though his exams are extremely easy. btw, having a good TA to help catch up with the unclear stuff in class is really necessary!

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MATH4B . Atzberger P J 2 Years Ago

He's a super sweet guy that really does care for his students, but his lectures honestly felt a bit too abstract and didn't make sense a lot of the time. I absolutely recommend Paul's Online Notes as a supplementary resource, since that clarified lectures a lot. Tests were really easy too, so I can't complain.

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MATH4B . Atzberger P J 2 Years Ago

Lectures were a little confusing since he didn't use many examples and was mostly abstract, however CLAS and math lab really simplified things and helped. This class is very doable if you put in a little extra work. Homework and final made up most of the grade, and his tests are very straightforward.

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MATH4B . Atzberger P J 2 Years Ago

Very theoretical lectures, but doable tests! Self teaching is key for this class.

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MATH4B . Atzberger P J 3 Years Ago

Don't get the hate. His midterms are extremely easy and homework due dates were frequently pushed back. Sure his slides might be a bit confusing, but it's college differential equations, not high school algebra. Math department also has great resources in the form of Math Lab and CLAS. Class will be a cakewalk and you will learn the techniques.

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MATH4B . Atzberger P J 3 Years Ago

Don't take this prof if you can!!! I could never understand lectures because it was all abstract theory and hw didn't align with lectures very much. The exams are easy once you teach yourself how to do the hw. Go to section the tas actually help you learn!

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