Norbert Reich

27 reviews
Get ready to read Tough grader Participation matters Skip class? You won't pass. Lots of homework Inspirational Lecture heavy
Past quarters
49 / 50 Enrolled
Norbert Reich 2.4
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
30.2% A
CHEM 193
0 / 20 Closed
Internship in Chemistry
Norbert Reich 2.4
95.2% A
0 / 5 Enrolled
Chemical Aspects of Biological Systems
Norbert Reich 2.4
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
IQB 595
0 / 0 Full
Biochemistry/Molecular Biology Literature Seminar
Norbert Reich 2.4
See All
CHEM 162B Reich N O Winter 2024 Total: 17
CHEM 149 Reich N O Fall 2023 Total: 23
INT 86EI Reich N O Fall 2023 Total: 7
INT 86PZ Reich N O Fall 2023 Total: 10
See All
CHEM142 . Reich N O 4 Months Ago

I have never had a professor have more unclear guidelines of what he was expecting from his students. He is the opposite of motivating and extremely discouraging. Bottom line, he is just mean.

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CHEM149 . Reich N O 4 Months Ago

He is misogynistic and does not care about his students. All he cares about is his research. He has VERY unclear instructions and guidelines so you never know what you are supposed to be doing. He is completely unbearable

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INT94EI . Reich N O 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Rambles a lot without making a point.

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CHEM149 . Reich N O 2 Years Ago

His grading rubric was not clear at all. The assignments were graded very subjectively by him and his TA. A lot of reading and writing is awaiting if you want to attend CHEM 149.

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CHEM149 . Reich N O 2 Years Ago

Absolutely the most disorganized and least caring professor I have ever seen. Strangest grading and sometimes even breaks promises. Avoid him at all cost. Too bad for rmp to not have 0 as an option.

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CHEM142B . Reich N O 4 Years Ago

hes nice, but not the best lecturer. He does the inverted classroom setup but then gets really distracted by random topics and ends up wasting time so you have to work harder on your own time. he also will end up arguing with undergrads and not realize hes wrong so thats frustrating TLDR: hes the super boomer. not bad just not as smart anymore

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142A . Reich N O 5 Years Ago

One of the worst classes I've had the displeasure of taking. Reich does not lecture, so you have to teach everything to yourself by scouring the textbook. Smart prof, but with very flawed pedagogy. With the amount of content covered, the lack of actual lectures makes this class an enormous pain, even if you find the subject interesting like I do.

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142ABC . Reich N O 5 Years Ago

For the love of god do NOT be a biochemistry major in the chem department unless you are positive you want to be a biochemistry researcher. The 1 year lab series with Kalju Kahn is 60-70+ hours of work a week and will destroy your GPA (go see his ratemyprof). Chem majors, Reich is the easier choice for 142A. Premeds, read the first sentence again.

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142A . Reich N O 6 Years Ago

iClickers & in-class assignments are worth about 25% of your grade. Uses a flipped classroom model but doesn't answer any questions once you're in class. He'll throw up questions that aren't pertinent to the material you're going over, but expects you to be able to "think like a scientist." Sarcastic and rude to students. Terrible professor.

3 helpful 1 unhelpful
CHEM142B . Reich N O 6 Years Ago

great professor, those who complain don't put in much effort and don't do well; it's a tough subject, but reich makes it better. Go to class, study, and you'll be fine

7 helpful 8 unhelpful
CHEM142 . Reich N O 6 Years Ago

Reich was given a grant to run this class discussion style. It's heavily question based so you have to read the material in detail before coming to class. Very little material presented in class; we usually spend the hour making snarky comments and arguing about answers (biochem banter). The tests are hard with a heavy focus on experimental design.

0 helpful 4 unhelpful
CHEM142B . Reich N O 7 Years Ago

Asks horribly worded questions ALL the time, on homework, quizzes, and even exams. Part of the challenge is understanding the what he's trying to say. For example, "Compare and contrast the role of Ca2+ as a secondary messenger, and its reliance on calmodulin." Uhh, compare and contrast to WHAT?? Jeez.. You just have to ignore parts of the sentence

3 helpful 9 unhelpful