Shelly Gable

72 reviews
Clear grading criteria Amazing lectures Caring Respected Graded by few things Get ready to read Test heavy Inspirational Tough grader Skip class? You won't pass. EXTRA CREDIT Would take again Lecture heavy Accessible outside class Hilarious Tests are tough Gives good feedback
Past quarters


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PSY 1 Gable S Winter 2024 Total: 350
PSY 1 Gable S Spring 2023 Total: 322
PSY 149 Gable S Spring 2021 Total: 176
PSY 1 Gable S Winter 2021 Total: 688
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PSY1 . Gable S 8 Months Ago

Super sweet person. You dont have to go much to class or study much, as long as you know the topics that will be covered in each bi-weekly test. But, still recommend to write notes about everything and skim the book a bit for the online tests. Final was not cumulative, just covered the last two weeks worth of notes (as do all of them).

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PSY1 . Gable S 2 Years Ago

Quiz-based class with mandatory sections and a lotttt of reading and long lectures. She likes to talk about her own research. No extra credit opportunities, just study the chapters for the quizzes and hope for the best.

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PSY149 . Gable S 3 Years Ago

kind, fun, engaging, cool - I love Shelly Gable and her close relationship classes are super interesting! would def. take it again!

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PSY1 . Gable S 3 Years Ago

Psych 1 with Professor Gable was an easy A if you watch all of the lectures & do the textbook reading. The reading amount is pretty reasonable & doesn't take up too much time.

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PSYCH1 . Gable S 3 Years Ago

I LOVED Prof Gable. Her lectures were very clear cut and her gauchospace was well organized. The quizzes were pretty easy imo, I didn't do any of the readings and got A's on all the quizzes (there are 6 quizzes and your lowest one is dropped). However, studying time may vary, I had a friend that had to do all of the readings to get the same grades.

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PSYCH1 . Gable S 3 Years Ago

Lectures were very formative. Feedback not given on quizzes.

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PSYCH149 . Gable S 4 Years Ago

Very clear cut class. Straight forward tests and assignments and if you put in minimal effort you will get an A!

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PSY102 . Gable S 4 Years Ago

The class material was so good that Gable had a pretty easy job making it a fun class, but she was still somehow able to elevate it. This is one of those classes I would recommend every single person regardless of major takes (not just for a GE).

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PSY102 . Gable S 4 Years Ago

Very easy A. Show up to the lectures and read the OSRs and you will be more than fine! The is extra credit for showing up to lectures which is great. Lectures are however quite basic, study the slides and abstracts of the OSRs and you'll do great. Gable was a bit rude to students asking questions which is a shame, however did not impact learning.

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PSY102 . Gable S 4 Years Ago

Interesting materials and thorough explanations in lecture(you get EC for going). Only had one exam due to coronavirus but it wasn't too hard, just be careful.

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PSY102 . Gable S 4 Years Ago

Though this person's lectures are very thorough and interesting, she doesn't listen to her students. Every class she asks if people have questions, but nearly every time she cuts people off mid-sentence. In trying to anticipate people's questions, she fails to actually hear what's confusing students.

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PSY102 . Gable S 5 Years Ago

Everything from the exams is straight from the slides but you get extra credit for showing up. The weekly quizzes are sometimes badly worded but they're easy As overall. Midterms cover a lot of material but the exams are very clear if you've studied. Overall a great choice and definitely doable.

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