Gurinder Singh Mann

38 reviews
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RLGST162C . 8 Years Ago

Professor Mann is one of my favorite professors at UCSB. He is so sweet and genuine. Such a wonderful person to get to know. His testing is fair and he just truly wants students to understand material. My favorite part of class was going to the Gurdwara. Such a beautiful experience. Unfortunately he left SB but I hope to cross paths once more.

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GLOBAL104 . 10 Years Ago


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GLOBL104 . 10 Years Ago

As an expert researcher in Sikh and Global Studies, Gurminder Singh Mann is very knowledgeable and makes lectures interesting and easy to understand. His 104 class had one research paper and a pretty easy midterm. Love his accent, loved his class, and would definitely recommend.

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GLOBAL104 . 10 Years Ago

Absolutely love this professor. Such an adorable sweet man. Very passionate and cares about students' success. I would definitely recommend him to anyone.

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RLST162C . 11 Years Ago

Best professor!!! He is sooo nice and funny... the readings are helpful but not mandatory, he takes attendance randomly, and has a few quizzes here and there.

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RGST162C . 11 Years Ago


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RGST20 . 11 Years Ago

Mann is AMAZING. He is so kind and sincere, and although the material is dry at some points, his passion for teaching and Indian culture makes up for it. Fairly easy, 2 quizzes a midterm he gives you the questions for, and an 8 page final. Don't need to do the readings, but you need the reader as sources for the final. Definitely recommend!

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RLGST162C . 11 Years Ago

Professor Mann is an amazing professor. He is one of the most genuine educators I have ever met. The class is not as easy as its made out to be. You have to work to get your 8 page paper done and study to do well on quizzes and exams. He gives you everything you need to do well though so the studying and paper are really straight forward.

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GLOBAL104 . 11 Years Ago

Professor Mann is probably one of my favorite professors at UCSB. He is very easy to talk to and approachable. The accent did not become an issue at all.

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GLOBL104 . 11 Years Ago

Professor Mann is amazing. I loved this class! He is so funny and, because english is his second language, his syntax is so different in the best way. He is VERY passionate about is subject but that just makes it more interesting. Would definitely take another class with him :)

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SIKHISM . 11 Years Ago

Really sweet man. Truly cares about his students. I feel like his grading is off where it goes higher than it should. Received an A when I failed quizzes and didn't get any participation points since I didn't go to class. Did essay the night before without even doing the full 8 pages. Got A- on midterm. But hey, it helps out the students.

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RS162C . 11 Years Ago

This class was by far one of the easiest classes I've ever taken at UCSB. He gives all ID's and possible essays for the midterm. I only attended class 5 times and read the text maybe twice and received an A+.

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