Mark Meadow

34 reviews
Lecture heavy Skip class? You won't pass. Tough grader Test heavy Graded by few things Participation matters EXTRA CREDIT Amazing lectures Clear grading criteria Inspirational Lots of homework Respected
Past quarters
18 / 18 Full
Looking Under the Hood: Studying the University
Mark Meadow 3.9
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
88.9% A
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ARTHI 107B Meadow M A Winter 2024 Total: 54
ARTHI 107C Meadow M A Winter 2023 Total: 57
ARTHI 187C Meadow M A Fall 2022 Total: 14
ARTHI 6M Meadow M A Fall 2022 Total: 148
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ARTH107B . Meadow M A 9 Months Ago

Really great content. Weekly readings are assigned but not required before every lecture, they're spread out more. Super lecture heavy; everything he says during lecture is important so expect it to show up on the tests. Only one midterm and final, no assignments. The test formatting was vocab, memorizing artist title and dates and comparing essays

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ARTHI107C . Meadow M A 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

A nice guy, the only things in the gradebook being the midterm, final, and attendance. tests were a little stressful but he was very nice and made them take home and gave us the weekend for them. my only irk is that despite receiving good/great comments on my work, i barely got an A. maybe he's a tough grader? lectures were very interesting as well

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ARTHI107C . Meadow M A 2 Years Ago

The class is based only on a midterm and final. Overall, the professor was accommodating in making the exams take-home and also recording and posting all the lectures. Overall, would recommend.

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107A . Meadow M A 2 Years Ago

This whole class was pretty much based only on the lecture notes you take. He only puts up the paintings and some key words on the slides and the rest is all based on what he says (and he talks super fast) so you kind of have to speed write everything down. If you don't take excellent notes you won't do good on the midterm and final.

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ARTHI6B . Meadow M A 5 Years Ago

I really learned a lot from professor Meadow's class. He tells you everything you need to know about the painting. His lecture is inspirational. I can almost remember every picture until now. Even though 6b includes many religious staffs, he explains clearly and thoroughly. Go to lecture and take notes. That's all you need to pass the exam.

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ARTHI6B . Meadow M A 5 Years Ago

no notes or any reading staff after the lecture, so you can never review them before the test.

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ARTHI6B . Meadow M A 5 Years Ago

covers a lot of GEs, not too hard, but its definitely a lot of work. Go to every lecture, take notes (note down all the paintings and terms he talks about). 2 essays, 1 midterm (identification and terms with short answer, and essay) homework due in section every week (usually readings + a short writing assignment. grading is lenient) and a final.

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107A . Meadow M A 9 Years Ago

Mark Meadow is very clear on what he expects from his students. 107A has a lot of religious references but definitely not overwhelming for those without prior knowledge. His exams are very straightforward but his lectures may be boring repetitive due to the nature of the subject. This was for summer, so he might be different during the year.

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AH108 . Meadow M A 10 Years Ago

He is very dry, but is passionate about the class. He's really a nice guy, towards the end of the class he turned the final into a take-home with only 4 medium essay questions. No book required, but you really have to take notes on what he says because you cant find much of the content online.

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ARTHI108MM . Meadow M A 10 Years Ago

Meadow is a fantastic professor. I had to take this course to cover a pre-req and I feel as though I lucked out. His lecture technique is thorough and clear (he pauses after important information, spells out key terms for emphasis, and notes if he's gone on a tangent) and makes the subject matter interesting. Readings required for this course.

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ARTHI6B . Meadow M A 10 Years Ago

I absolutely love Professor Meadow!He is an excellent professor and very sweet and always willing to help.I loved his class! He definitely knows his stuff and I found lectures very interesting. Definitely go to class and pay attention. TAKE GOOD NOTES. His exams are fair and based on lecture. Section is mandatory.

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6B . Meadow M A 11 Years Ago

I enjoyed this class. The subject matter is a little too focused around religious images in my opinion but Professor Meadow explains everything really well. Only had to memorize around 60 images or so for the final, maybe less actually.

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