Gerardo Aldana

47 reviews
EXTRA CREDIT Inspirational Hilarious Respected Group projects Amazing lectures Would take again Graded by few things
Past quarters
CH ST 118
20 / 20 Full
The Scientific Revolution and Non-Western Epistemologies
Gerardo Aldana 3.1
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
58.1% A
CH ST 252A
7 / 15 Enrolled
Indigenous Texts
Gerardo Aldana 3.1
10:00 AM - 12:50 PM
100.0% A
See All
ANTH127MAYA . 2 Years Ago

homedog was on ancient aliens im here for it

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CHST118 . 5 Years Ago

Very cool guy. Super easy to talk to and really likes class participation. I'm a Biology major and just took this class for UD units, but it was really enjoyable and I looked forward to going to class because he kept it interesting. There was just a midterm and final, both in class essays. Super open minded questions, pretty easy grading.

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ANTH137 . 6 Years Ago

Awesome teacher! He is a very approachable, down to earth, chill guy. He is also very attractive. Wears dress socks with Birkenstocks. 10/10 would recommend.

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ANTH133 . 9 Years Ago

He gives fantastic lectures and his tests aren't too hard. He doesn't always respond to emails but if you ask him a question after class he'll be happy to answer and very helpful.

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ANTH137 . 9 Years Ago

I would take any class from prof. Aldana! His enthusiasm makes you want to show up for class every day and the lectures are actually really cool and interesting. Don't be afraid to ask questions and get creative, he likes this!

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CHST13 . 11 Years Ago

Really cool guy. Super knowledgeable about this stuff. His quizzes can be difficult but the final was ridiculously easy. Have to do a lot of reading but most of it is actually pretty interesting. Highly recommend this class. Aldana got up on the table once and he told us about the alien theories. Favorite professor here so far.

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ANTH137 . 12 Years Ago

Super enthusiastic about his subject and incorporates very recent findings in the field while also using many different types of learning. However, I think he expects a little too much out of his students. Def not an easy class. Also he gave us a group project with the most vague directions. A lot of reading. Amazing teacher and lecturer though

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ANTH127MAYA . 12 Years Ago

This guy knows his stuff. If you pay attention to the way he structures slides he has a clear thesis and brings it all together at the end to blow your damn mind. I feel it's like a Ted talk. he is very approachable and will answer any questions you have despite how difficult some of these simpletons seem to think his class is.

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CHST13 . 12 Years Ago

Aldana very enthusiastic and likeable but the class itself was difficult. I think the content is interesting, but the course is very reader based and the readings are extremely dense. The quizzes are not difficult and essays are the worst. The TAs weren't my favorite either. I do not recommend this class but happy readings if you take it!

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CHST1C . 12 Years Ago

Absolutely terrible class. He is enthusiastic, i'll give him that. However the lectures were absolutely ridiculous. People i know majoring in chicano studies didn't understand his points. He butchered the subject. Should not be allowed to teach

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CHST13 . 13 Years Ago

I loved the class chicano studides 13, i signed up while the class had GE's and after i went back and found out they changed it so im mad about that. But the professor was great the class easy reading not too terrible and papers, midterms, and final pretty easy

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CHST13 . 14 Years Ago

HE IS REALLY ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT THIS SUBJECT: STUDY OF ANCIENT MESOAMERICA. HIS LECTURES GO BY REALLY QUICKLY BECAUSE IT IS SO INTERESTING. There were four writing assignments and five quizzes, not at all overwhelming. He is a knowledgeable professor, who has great style!!! collared shirts and awesome looking blalzers!

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