It's heavy material, but he's funny and passionate.
know your slides inside and out, and listen intently in class. He speaks fast at times so record him if you must. THe class is difficult because a good percentage of the class is pre-med. Pre-med students are studious. goodluck.
Very interesting class. Go to class, record it, read book for reference and listen to recordings. He is very clear in lecture, but goes pretty fast. You need to work for an A in this class.
Very straight forward class. Know everything on his slides. He asks very detailed questions, so have to know everything in order to get an A in the class. He's kind of snooty, but put the work in and you can do well in the class.
this class was awesome. materials r very intersting and the tests were fairly easy... u learn a lot in this class. prof. smith was nice dude, and u don't really have to read the book to do well in this class. highly recommended for pre-med student(this class is practically a mcat prep course).
This was a very interesting but very hard course!! Be prepared to put in a lot of time and know the details if you want to do well.
An 85% was an A. That's pretty reasonable. Also- this is Human Physiology. If you want to be a doctor you better do well in it. The class wasn't easy, but a class like this shouldn't be.
This class is really hard! His curve is dumb because he averages the top 10 grades (usually around a 95%) and then bases the rest of the grades around that. 10% away from the top is an A, 10% away from that is a B and so on. He's pretty much a jerk. Interesting class, bad professor!
Great Professor, is pretty funny. Will take time and has patience to explain things. Can be tough, but its not an easy subject. Expect to be challenged and he will come through on his end. Great class.
Class isn't too bad, but Smith is kinda a dick. Not too helpful, thinks he's funny. DON'T sit with test after he calls time or he will take it away and declare it failed!