27 reviews

PSTAT171 . Grigorian K 10 Months Ago

He values class participation and remembers that. Grading is usually mostly based on exams but he gives reviews and sample exams and usually the exams are pretty similar. Make sure to attend the lecture before the exam because he goes over some problems that might show up on the exam. He doesn't post his notes so make sure to take good notes.

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PSTAT171 . Grigorian K 1 Year, 26 Days Ago

He is too scattered and not organized with the lecture materials. I am lost 70% of the time at lectures and need to study the textbook which is much more clearer. The test, one midterm and one final, weights 80% of the final grade, but the tests are fair. Overall, not recommended if you do not want to spend lots of time studying on your own.

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PSTAT171 . Grigorian K 1 Year, 26 Days Ago

Prof. Grigorian is a funny and kind professor. He makes the expectations very clear and has straightforward assignments, not too tough. The main difficulty is that the lectures can sometimes be confusing/disorganized, but he posts slides and refers specific parts of the textbook, which has worked out solutions to all hw/in class problems.

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