Professor Gibou makes ME17 a somewhat unique experience. The class is graded by a few homework assignments and take home "exams" which are really just more projects. Some concepts can be hard to grasp but he is happy to answer questions and will help you succeed. Grading was somewhat unpredictable but never overly harsh. Try to attend lecture.
Prof. Gibou is great! He lectures using the blackboard and takes time to write out equations. He basically goes over HW/exam problems during the lectures. The class is super easy if you remember intro linear algebra and know python. My only gripe is that we aren't provided notes/slides/textbook sections as reference.
Homework is based on what is taught in class. Do NOT skip lectures in the last three weeks because the last assignment is MUCH harder than the previous ones. Picky yet unclear grading guidelines for formatting the homework reports, though it's not a big chunk of the grade. Good lecturer.
He is a really nice teacher who seems to enjoy what he is lecturing about. Lectures could be a bit boring if he doesnt have the slides prepared before hand and can take a long time writing. Content isnt too hard once you understand what is going on. Most of the hw is given in his codes he gives to class. Online midterm and final
The majority of this class is a 1/5 in difficulty; the last week is a 5/5, and I did not procrastinate. I was actually ahead. Most of the hw and midterm is very easy, then all of a sudden for the last hw and the final he just goes crazy and makes it far, far harder than anything before in the class. Lectures are boring, and he is hard to hear.
Professor Gibou is a great professor who knows the material well and is always eager to help students as best he can. Class is very homework heavy with midterm and final projects, no exams. Material can be difficult depending on students' prior coding experience but if you work hard to understand it you will both do well and learn the material.
Gibou's not a great lecturer, but if you try hard, you can learn from him. That said, you don't really need to learn to pass this class. Tests were all take-home, and grading was pretty lenient. Generally, if you went to lecture or office hours, he'd give you all the code necessary to complete the assignments.
Simply the best! I love the accent!
Class is fairly simple - the content was messy and all over the place, but luckily he pretty much gave the answers for HW in the lectures. The class had no tests - only fairly easy projects.
Gibou is awesome. He moved our final project due date back four days because he knew we had other ME exams. He is pretty hilarious in his mannerisms. Also he explains the material very well in class.
Great professor who cares about his students. Fun class that he helped make very doable.
Super fun class, easy grading, very comprehensible lecture. Textbook is not required and all tests are take home.
I took both 111 and 140, and I would suggest taking 111. Here's why: you're going to end up taking 111 either way. If you wanted to learn parallel computing, you're also going to have to learn scientific computing. He wants students to do well, so he tries to help a lot as deadlines come closer. He loves long reports.
The greatest! Seriously. He is so helpful if you go talk to him. He genuinely wants everyone to learn and do well. I owe him a lot!
Such a convoluted mess. I'm lucky the graders grade so easily because Gibou can't teach worth anything, and goes a mile a minute without explaining anything.
Really cool guy. If you attend all the lectures and can weed through the material for the solutions it's not too bad. Also, he likes duck a lot if you feel like bringing a snack to his office hours.
Why is this guy so cool? I think he might be the coolest professor around. A+++ would enroll again.
Pretty easy class, but the second half is way more difficult than the first half. I never went to his office hours, but I hear he's very approachable. Also he gets frustrated when people don't ask questions which is a good thing because he wants you to get it.
A believer in second chances and I honor that. I didn't do as well as my peers on the midterm (many people were getting scores in the 90s) and I felt as if I had killed all chances to get an A. However, he promised at the end to take the best score from either (75%final 25%hw or 50%final 25%midterm 25% hw). I studied hard and barely got the A.
Lectures are very helpful and clear. Homework was straightforward. If you can do the homework no problem than you should easily get an A on the midterm. The final was much tougher, but I managed to still get an A because he curves his class.
He is a great teacher. He let me turn in the homework one day later since I did something wrong. Answered my question clearly on email. Exams are easy.
Midterm = exactly the same as the practice midterm. Final = Slight variations from the practice final. Do your homework and memorize the midterm handouts will get you that A.
This guy is a good teacher. I don't know why the reviews are so bad. His Lectures are very organized and clear. He's very helpful and patient during his office hours and his tests are straight forward. He even let me turn in my homework 2 hours late when I forgot to go to class. Maybe these other students are upset because they suck at Matlab
i take back my comment from below cuz that was before the midterm hahahha. he is a****ty teacher, but his practice midterm/finals are exactly the same as the test itself, so as long as you know the practice stuff, it's an easy A