She's a really nice person, but she goes through slides extremely fast, theres quizzes almost weekly and a fairly easy paper. If you study you'll do fine, but its not easy
She seemed like a very passionate teacher but she went through the lecture slides too fast and did not teach that well. In addition, her tests are very hard in comparison to the material she taught.
Personality: A. Lecturer: C- (goes SO fast & lots of text on screen). There are weekly assignments so it's easy to boost good grade through that, but tedious to complete. I thought I did poorly on test (so many questions & specific info), but actually did well. If you study it shouldn't be hard to get an A, but mandatory attendance via iClicker.
What I didn't like about ESS2 was the fact that she had guest lecturers for every single lecture except for 3. When she did lecture, she was unenthusiastic and went through slides very quickly. I started taking pictures of slides instead of typing the information down because it was too fast. There's 1 test and a group project that are fairly easy.
She flipped through slides so fast! Clickers were used and tests seemed more in depth than the professor made it out to be. Slides are from the textbook so if you read you should be good. Study guides help to prepare you for the test! Professor Slade seems very knowledgable and wants her students to succeed, but she moves very fast.
Professor Slade was funny and seemed like she cared about the health of her students. However she was really vague about what was going to be on the tests but her study guides help a little and went way too fast when lecturing- youll have to go back and read. Overall not a hard class if you do the reading.
She goes through her lectures so fast. My fingers feel like theyre moving at mach 5 speeds to keep up with her slides. She says its okay if we don't get the slides down because the info is in the book, but she could easily just slow down a tiny bit and it would make the class so much easier to handle. Not a difficult class but lots of material.