RG ST 280A
Joseph Blankholm
51 reviews

RGST33 . Blankholm J L 8 Years Ago

He's an amazing professor. Knows his stuff and explains things well. Lecture is a must since he leaves stuff out of the slides he puts online. If you study and do your work you will be fine. Overall great professor and class

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RGST35 . Blankholm J L 8 Years Ago

He's a really awesome dude. The class is very lecture heavy and even though he posts slides online he leaves a lot of key things out. The Ta's were both awesome. The majority of the class is midterm, final, and a research paper. Very interesting class.

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RGST35 . Blankholm J L 8 Years Ago

Class revolves around lectures and readings (relevant articles found online). Grade is made up of mostly midterm, final, and one end of the quarter paper. Tests are very lecture heavy, but the lectures are interesting if you are into this kind of thing. Weekly reading quizzes and the reading can be kind of a lot some weeks. Overall, good class.

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