Joseph Blankholm

51 reviews
Get ready to read Amazing lectures Respected Lecture heavy Skip class? You won't pass. EXTRA CREDIT Caring Accessible outside class Clear grading criteria Graded by few things Gives good feedback Participation matters Inspirational Tough grader Lots of homework Beware of pop quizzes Online Savvy
Past quarters
RG ST 153
18 / 16 Full
Metaphysical Spirituality
Joseph Blankholm 4.6
17:00 PM - 18:15 PM
RG ST 280A
14 / 15 Enrolled
Methods in the Study of Religion
Joseph Blankholm 4.6
09:00 AM - 11:50 AM
100.0% A
See All
RG ST 13 Blankholm J L Winter 2024 Total: 171
RG ST 200AH Blankholm J L Winter 2024 Total: 5
RG ST 200SC Blankholm J L Winter 2024 Total: 8
RG ST 201 Blankholm J L Fall 2022 Total: 16
See All
RGST13 . Blankholm J L A Month Ago

Take RGST13! Joseph is thought provoking and intelligent. The themes, and concepts presented in this class are applicable to our world on many different levels.The course is complicated and so are the readings and tests. Written tests, graded by TA's, therefore good grades are subject to TA, extra credit is necessary, do as much EC as you can!

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RGST35 . Blankholm J L 2 Months Ago

Prof Blankholm is great, its clear he wants his students to succeed. His lectures are kinda speedy if you don't review beforehand and provide slides that are less detailed (more of a skeletal structure), so you can't miss class. DEFINITELY do the extra credit events and try to ace all the quizzes in the section.

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RGST35 . Blankholm J L 2 Months Ago

I found this class to be very interesting and the professor to be a fair grader and funny during lecture. Just be aware that there are such things as stupid questions to him (during office hours). If you have a question during class, he will totally listen and give you the answers you need. I'm not sure why he acts differently during office hours.

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RGST35 . Blankholm J L 2 Months Ago

Prof. Blankholm is so passionate about his work and it shows and makes it easier to understand what he's talking about in lecture. There's a weekly quiz in section on the readings, but it's just basic comprehension. The midterm and the final are based on what is described in the lecture, so you have to go to every class, but he makes it enjoyable.

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RGST35 . Blankholm J L 3 Months Ago

Blankholm is an amazing speaker and seems like such a genuine and funny person. He definitely speaks in complex terms and can be hard to understand/focus on during lecture. For midterm and final, you just need to review everything in the lecture slides and you'll be fine, even if you may have zoned out a bit during lecture. Very interesting class!

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RGST35 . Blankholm J L 3 Months Ago

This was the most interesting class I have ever taken in my life. Id warn you tho, that he does speak super fast in lectures. that really fast. He is an amazing teacher tho. Mandatory reading quizzes every section (super easy). i loved this class honestly, and im a stem major. gonna miss this ):

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RGST13 . Blankholm J L 10 Months Ago

Absolutely loved this class. It completely changed the way I view the world and while the readings were dense at times, they were really rich. Everything graded pretty leniently and lots of opportunities for extra credit. Prof is clearly passionate about the subject and was very helpful in office hours.

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RGST13 . Blankholm J L 11 Months Ago

Incredibly performative and insincere in both his teaching and interactions with students. Texts were too long and dense for a GE class, the TA got me through them. Take this class if you don't care about your professor being full of himself and a fake activist. He masks this insincerity by being a dynamic speaker, but he is the worst.

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RGST13 . Blankholm J L 11 Months Ago

Professor Blankholm is a fantastic speaker. The content he speaks about is occasionally long-winded but he makes it engaging regardless. The readings are dense but get oversimplified during lecture (which is for the best). The tests require little studying/preperation if you consistently attend lecture and do the readings. Would recommend!

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RGST13 . Blankholm J L 11 Months Ago

I really enjoyed this class because I found the content to be really interesting. It's really reading heavy, and I struggled through a good bit of them, but my TA was super helpful. It was a lot of work, so not an easy GE but still a great class. If you go to class and do the readings you should do fine. Offers extra credit, helpful office hours

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RGST13 . Blankholm J L A Year Ago

Least favorite professor I've ever had. Very performative when it comes to social justice, and he has a raging superiority complex. Class was not as described in GOLD; readings were extremely dense and long for a GE arts class. Feigns respect for students' concerns and social justice issues. Overall, this class always left me feeling frustrated.

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RGST13 . Blankholm J L 1 Year, 2 Days Ago

RGST 35 is an awesome course, and so is this one. It was definitely more challenging, but it's also 5 units, so I think that is fair. It honestly changed my perspective about everything, not just religion and pop culture. He knows the material is difficult and adjusts to accommodate that. Take this class! It takes work but it's worth it.

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