CHEM 245
Kalju Kahn
105 reviews

CHEM110L . 20 Years Ago

Contrary to the last statement, Dr. Kahn is a wonderful and valuable teacher at UCSB. Whoever wrote the previous statement is obviously lacking in certain neurological faculties.

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CHEM110L . 20 Years Ago

kalju is the worst teacher of the world The man can't explain basic concepts in concise English, let alone he tells the native speakers to go learn English kalju is a shalow person who lacks etiquettes which are quite visible in a shrewd man like him his labs are stolen work of others that he claims

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CHEM111 . 20 Years Ago

Kahn is a good one if you want to learn practical methods and ther applications. Makes you work a lot. Coveres topics beyond the text but works hard to help students understand material. Posts helpful lecture notes online. Overall, Kahn is an excelent prof: knows his stuff, always there to help.

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CHEM110L . 20 Years Ago

Kahn expects 300% from you! but you will learn a great deal of information, and overall this prof is GREAT. Be ready to work though!

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CHEM110L . 20 Years Ago

Dr. Kahn is the hottie in the chemistry department

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CHEM142A . 20 Years Ago

This class is not easy but the professor is helpful.

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CHEM112L . 20 Years Ago

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CHEM110L . 20 Years Ago

Very hard. He really likes to challenge you.

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CHEM110L . 21 Years Ago

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