Dr. Kahn is a brilliant professor, and is likely one of the smartest people you will ever be around. The secret to Kahn is making sure you know his material. Read the theory manual. It is written in a conversational manner,and contains the answer to every question he will ask in class. You need to prepare. Don't be afraid. He can see the effort.
He's very stimulating in lecture, and frequently asks the audience questions which enhances attention and learning (in my opinion). His homeworks can be quite long, and your research skills shouldwill be definitely sharpened, but the questions are very interesting. Tests are pretty fair.
He is obviously one of the most intelligent people I've ever met. He was relearning organic chemistry from the same textbook the students used, and he found a couple of errors in the book. His vitamin pop quizzes are nearly impossible. The exams are overwhelmingly difficult, thus my 54% turned out to be a B+.
This professor has an encyclopedic knowledge of the subject, and that's good, because this course is intense (of course it is - it's an upper division Biochemistry course taught on a severely compressed schedule). Do the work and participate, and you will get a good grade.
Hardest professor, ever! If you ever feel like you have too much time during summer, you can take CHEM W 142A with Kahn. You'll be working day and night just to barely pass. Oh, and don't even think about taking another class at the same time. I did very well in my other class, but flunk this one badly.
Hardest professor ever. Will push to the limit. prepare for days and nights of study.
Unless you plan on becoming a biochemistry researcher in the future do not enroll in the biochemistry major in the chemistry department. If you are looking to become a doctor in the future spare yourself the pain I had to go through and just become a bio major and keep your GPA. Before Khan's series of classes I had a 4.0, now I have a 3.7.
Note: Only take CHEM 111 if you are serious about learning how to analyze real chemical kinetic data computationally. This is an excellent course that will teach you a lot and leave you with great, practical materials to use for analyzing kinetic data, but know that it is a hard, fast-paced class with heavy use of Mathematica.
Great professor. He certainly has high standards & expectations, but he puts a lot of time & effort into the class materials to help you. He appreciates when the class is prepared & participates in discussions & will call on people if it gets too quiet. Don't be intimidated by him though, he is extremely willing to help any student who is trying.
He is a difficult professor who needs to work on his professionalism with students. His intimidation techniques are hurtful and discourages students rather than motivate them. His attitude does not allow students to feel comfortable while learning. There are many flaws with his "teaching" style.
I have taken 3 lab and 3 elective lecture courses with him. You will have to work very hard in his classes and do loads of preparation, but you will also learn so much and will realize you are capable of exceedingly challenging work! The assignments and tests are heavily focused on problem solving, which I enjoyed. Don't be intimidated by him.
Great professor- passionate, knowledgable, organized & helpful. He can appear intimidating because he has very high standards & expectations for students (expect to be randomly verbally quizzed during class- even on the first day). Course is challenging- don't let the 3 units fool you. Read material BEFORE class, ask questions & NEVER get behind.
Kahn was an amazing teacher. 142A was a cake walk compared to his chem110L lab which was the hardest class I have ever taken in my life. He scared you into learning and it works! You need to listen to his lectures he tells you the answer to everything if you listen well. He is an excellent teacher and really cares about his students
Really has passion and mastery biochem. Genuinely cares about success of students in class and their careers. Assigns way too much work. Always try to read ahead. Always ask him to clarify if you don't understand. GO TO OFFICE HOURS. If you do well and take time to get to know him try to get a letter of rec. His review sheets are key for tests.
He really pushes you into the world of being a future graduate student. That saying, he expects a lot from you and it can seem stressful but when you look back you realize that the conditioning he puts you through is really helpful. Also took chem 110L, lots time and humiliation but loved it and totally worth it to get ready for grad school!
This professor is difficult to approach. He teaches in a very confusing manner and is many times unclear. He is also not friendly which makes it hard to ask him questions. He expects you to do a lot of work and doesn't hesitate on embarrassing you in front of the whole class if you are any less prepared than what he expects. Overall horrible.
This guy is a walking textbook or encyclopedia and will expect you to become the same. His classes will push you further than you may like but you'll end up better because of it since you really get a lot of practical experience with him. He also has an open door policy when you need help; so if he's around he'll give you help.
one of the hardest biochem professors in the department. He is very demanding. Be ready to spend day & nights for his lab reports and pre-labs!! He is hard to understand because of his accent. he screwed me up in the last quarter of my last year. HATE THIS GUY!!!!
He hadn't taught 109c since like 2007 so he was definitely rusty with mechanisms etc but still really enjoyed the class. His tests can be ridiculous but he curves generously. also gave explicit study guides... super chill!
All I can say is don't take his class unless you are truly passionate about chemistry or biochem. He is very smart and his classes are very hard
This is the first professor that I've ever rated on this website because I never felt it was necessary. The lab classes that I took with Kahn were by far the hardest classes I have ever taken. The best way to phrase it is like so: these classes are a rite of passage into the biochemistry major, he is intimidating but puts in a lot of effort.
Excellent at stimulating interest in the class through real life examples. While tests were a bit tricky, homework was straightforward. Pushed inductive reasoning skills through intriguing questions.
He really pushes you to be the best student that you can be. When you put in the effort, so does he. He is always there to help you out and will go above and beyond if you are making a real effort to succeed in his classes. He has inspired me to achieve more in life and the one class I had with him was the best class I've ever taken at UCSB.
By far the hardest prof you will ever have at UCSB but also BY FAR the best prof you will ever have, he will make u work VERY hard but you learn so much, if you go to lecture read the book take notes RE-take notes and think, u will have no problem he puts in a lot of effort and is a very interesting and he is a right of passage in the biochem dept