nice teacher, i'd recommend her
Camilla is super nice, and she has these stylish outfits (think red leather jacket) that you know she bought straight from Italy. I had her for 2 quarters. She's great.
I had Camilla for 2 quarters and she is just awesome. She's sooo nice and she doesn't try to trick u up or anything. She's always there to help and makes Italian fun and easy to understand. I wish I had her this quarter! If you take Italian, take it with her because the tests are really straight forward, not a lot of difficulty really..she's great!
Fiorina was so nice and understanding. She was an amazing teacher and I am excited to have her again next quarter.
she's really awesome! she's very helpful with material that you might not understand. she's also very easy to understand and her tests are very simple! she's also hot lol
She is really nice and hot