CH ST 252A
Gerardo Aldana
47 reviews

XICSTU1C . 19 Years Ago

my favorite prof ever hes HOT!!! but it does take someone who is willing to listen to understand him, but if a person prefers to blind themselves of the realities of this wourld and the issues facing Xicac@ culture dont take the spot of students who would appreciate it more

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CHST3 . 19 Years Ago

I'm sorry but he made absolutely no sense to me, whatsoever! I hated going to lectures, it was hard to understand what he was leturing about. I don't honestly don't see what a cd player and the atomic bomb have to do with Chicano culture. I don't know, maybe I missed something? And I feel I didn't learn anything from him. If it wasn't for my TA I would not have learned a thing.

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CS1C . 19 Years Ago

ONE of the BEST CS Prof. If u failed it ur a lame! This is a UC not a CC; so, if it's too difficult u might try SBCC. Awsome readings! TA's shouldn't reflect on him, not his fault they might sux.

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CHICST1 . 19 Years Ago

This class was by far the worst I have ever taken at UCSB. If you do not have to take it, don't. The lectures were boring and repeated the same things over and over. My TA Desiree was insane and a horrible assitent. Really try to find a different to fulfill whatever GE you have to.

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CHST119 . 19 Years Ago

Nice guy, but can be difficult. When it really comes down to it though, he's understanding and helpful. He just expects a high level of understanding from the class, so be prepared!

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CHST1C . 19 Years Ago

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CHST1C . 19 Years Ago


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CHST1C . 19 Years Ago

Aldana was the worst professor I have had at UCSB. Desiree Enayati was an awful TA. I learned nothing, the grading was hard especially since this was an unnecessary and pointless class. If you are not chicano prepare to be judged and graded worse. They are all ****. Do yourself a favor and shoot yourself before taking this class!!

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CHST1C . 19 Years Ago

Expects a lot- class presentations with your section, 1 term paper, heavy reading load, and occasional lecture participation. He also tries to lecture and challange you and make you think about social, political, and economic aspects of the readings & lectures. It was a difficult class, but Im glad I took it in the end- he's a good professor.

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CHICAN1C . 19 Years Ago

Nice guy, but hard to understand. Almost every lecture you don't know what he is talking about. He does things in a weird different way to try to prove his points. The group presentations were fun. It helps alot that he gives you a review sheet for final with the exact questions.

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CHST1C . 19 Years Ago

Terrible class, started out promising, and then just fell to****. He has a good idea, but you can never understand what he is talking about. Reading is sort of extensive and seems pointless. Wouldnt suggest anyone take this class.

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CHST1C . 19 Years Ago

Interesting ideas. Poor execution. He starts with an idea, and then "tries" to "prove" it, but if you don't understand his concept at the beginning, you will be lost forever. Take the class if you are interested, it's a good foundation. Good luck.

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Most of the people who think Chicana Studies 1C is an easy A is absolutely wrong. Most of you haters who critique this amazing scholar should not be in the academy. The fact is that the state of US higher education is poor and it takes a leader to change these schools. I recommend this scholar A+

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CHST1C . 20 Years Ago

Arrogant jerk. Dont take any class by this Harvard graduate because he has no mercy. Unfair grader and goes on and on about who knows what in lecture...only he understands himself.

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CHST1C . 20 Years Ago

Grading is horrendous. I did relatively well in comparison to the rest of the class and still was not happy. Very much a philosophy class. Be prepared to think about what he thinks. Don't deviate from his mindset-YOU WILL FAIL.

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CHICST1C . 20 Years Ago

this class was Boring with a capital B. He know his stuff but does not make it interesting at all. His grading is very stupid!

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CHIC1C . 20 Years Ago

People were completely polarized in this class. I thought he was brilliant and insightful and inspiring, even. However, the grading was really unfair and unclear.

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CHST1C . 20 Years Ago

Do not take classes by this professor. We were unable to know grades until the end of the quarter. Made up his own words. This should have been a philosophy class. Stay away from aldana

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CHST1C . 20 Years Ago

Seems like he is preaching to the class. A LOT of reading and grades the papers very hard. Was interesting at times, but if you don't have to take this class, then don't. I didn't learn much here.

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CHST1C . 20 Years Ago

What is very unique (and refreshing) is that he tries to break the mold when teaching such a class, considering that many people already have an ingrained assumption of what a Chicano Studies class is. Very helpful in office hours. Great Professor!

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CHST1C . 20 Years Ago

This professor is an absolute nightmare. You can tell he is fascinated with the subject but he cannot convey anything of actual substance. He speaks in poems half the time and acts as though he is preaching to the class. I learned absolutely nothing!

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