Elizabeth Cook
35 reviews

ENG102 . Cook E H 19 Years Ago

professor cook is an extremely passionate teacher who loves the period she teaches. i would highly recommend her for anyone who actually wants to learn about the period and to make intellectual linkages between writings of the time period.

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ENGL102 . Cook E H 19 Years Ago

I walked out of every lecture clueless as to what I was supposed to take from it. Tests are completely arbitrary and seemingly impossible to study for.

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ENGLISH102 . Cook E H 19 Years Ago

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ENGL102 . Cook E H 19 Years Ago

This class was one of the biggest dissappointsments as far as classes I was excited to take went. I felt like I was taking a history class a lot more than an English one. Lectures were really boring, and the tests were ridiculous. Her tests were ridiculous: really annoying details followed by making random things up that weren't in the reading.

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ENGLISH102 . Cook E H 19 Years Ago

She's an incredible teacher. It's one of those classes where you're actually interested in the reading and doing well in the class because she was such an incredible teacher. You don't have to keep up with the reading though... I waited 'til 2 days before the midterm/final to start reading the material on it. TAKE HER!

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ENGL102 . Cook E H 20 Years Ago

Her tests are mostly close reading and interpretation. If you do the reading and go to lecture occasionally, you'll do fine.

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ENGL102 . Cook E H 20 Years Ago

Cook's class was very interesting and the reading material was fairly interesting; however, the test were very difficult and the TAs graded very hard.

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ENG102 . Cook E H 20 Years Ago

Professor Cook obviously loves this time period, and seemed quite kind and approachable. However, the tests were far too detail-specific, as though you had to memorize the heavy reading in order to score well. Not recommended for those who do not love British literature >1789.

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ENG102 . Cook E H 20 Years Ago

the reading was what was most difficult about this class. the tests were fine and i thought they were easy, but when i got my grades back i was disappointed. i think it's mostly bad TA work rather than the prof's fault. the material sucked, not the prof.

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ENGL102 . Cook E H 20 Years Ago

She was extremely passionate about what she teaches but a little unclear as to how she is making certain connections. The lectures were kind of boring but she is wonderful in a small discussion setting. She is very open to students questions. tests were extremely hard. Go to office hours.

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ENGL102 . Cook E H 20 Years Ago

So boring, she doesn't explain things well, and her tests don't pertain at all to the subject matter. Much more historical context than actually analyzing texts. I wouldn't take her for English 102 if you don't have to..

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