Elizabeth Cook

35 reviews
Get ready to read Gives good feedback Respected Tough grader Accessible outside class Amazing lectures Would take again So many papers Caring Lecture heavy
Past quarters
35 / 35 Full
Topics In Literature
Elizabeth Cook 4.1
17:00 PM - 18:15 PM
50.0% A
ENGL 197
15 / 15 Full
Upper-Division Seminar
Elizabeth Cook 4.1
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
69.3% A
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ENGL 591 Cook E H Fall 2023 Total: 0
ENGL 591 Cook E H Spring 2023 Total: 0
ENGL 591 Cook E H Winter 2023 Total: 0
ENGL 591 Cook E H Fall 2022 Total: 0
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ENG197 . Cook E H 3 Years Ago

Amazing professor, will work with you if you have any problems and genuinely wants her students to succeed. Very caring and is passionate about what she teaches.

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ENG197 . Cook E H 5 Years Ago

Professor Cook is wonderful and insightful. I enjoyed her style of lecture and the material we read in class. She is a kind professor who cares for her students' learning and success. She is approachable, accessible, and helpful during office hours. Be sure to read the text and do more than one draft on your papers - it really goes a long way.

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ENGL114 . Cook E H 7 Years Ago

Professor Cook was my first English professor at UCSB. Her lectures are incredibly thorough and you will learn a lot about a topic that you might not have known existed. She is an extremely articulate and interesting teacher. She gives amazing feedback on every essay and you can tell that she really enjoys reading student's writing.

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ENG169 . Cook E H 7 Years Ago

She is a nice lady. But you still have to work for it.

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ENGL102 . Cook E H 8 Years Ago

The readings were okay, but her lectures REALLY contributed to my understanding and interpretation of them. They were really clear and organized and I enjoyed them thoroughly. The midterm and final weren't hard, just go to all of the lectures and you'll be fine -- no essay for either test! Harsh paper grader, feedback almost kind of condescending

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ENG169 . Cook E H 9 Years Ago

Professor cook is such an intelligent, sweet, helpful, passionate, amazing professor! She truly made class and the subject fun. She is so approachable and is always willing to give a helping hand in office hours! Overall, great person and professor. By far my favorite English professor at UCSB.

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ENG102 . Cook E H 9 Years Ago

Professor Cook was AMAZING! she is a great professor, very intelligent. Take advantage of office hours! she is extremely helpful, will read over drafts of essays and offer suggestions to make improvements-- she is the reason I got an A on my final paper.

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ENGL102 . Cook E H 9 Years Ago

The reading is essential to passing the class. There is a lot of it (even for an English class) and the tests are VERY specific to the reading, so know it well. The lectures can be helpful, but they're also very unnecessary with regards to getting an A. I would recommend this only to those that love the subject of English.

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ENGL103 . Cook E H 10 Years Ago

Took her class on epistolary narratives. She's very easy-going; lectures are interesting and power points are posted. As long as you have some good ideas in your papers/presentations and have done enough of the reading to know what's going on in class. Provides lots of handouts (goodbye trees) but they are interesting and helpful for papers.

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ENGL102 . Cook E H 10 Years Ago

This professor is really nice, very helpful, and extremely enthusiastic during lecture! She really seems to enjoy the material which makes the class more enjoyable. Cook is VERY straight-forward concerning the tests and papers; the mid-term and final have the same format and are quite easy if you actually attend class and read most of the material.

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ENG102 . Cook E H 11 Years Ago

Cook is a very approachable and vivacious lady. Material can be dull at times, but her enthusiasm shines through during lecture. Not a lot of lengthy readings relative to the other English courses I've taken. Do all the reading, attend lecture, and write proficiently and you'll do just fine. Overall I'd say this was a good class!

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ENGL102 . Cook E H 12 Years Ago

The material was dull but not too difficult to get through. Most people take this class as a requirement, not by choice. Professor cook was extremely passionate and energetic at every lecture. It made a boring class a lot more bearable! She is so sweet and helpful. She wants you to succeed!

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