ENGL 197
Enda Duffy
61 reviews

ENGLISH104B . 19 Years Ago

Fantastic teacher. Rambles a lot, especially in the honors section, but keeps the class wholly entertaining and fascinating. Extremely helpful (sometimes too helpful, haha, which can be overwhelming sometimes) and willing to talk to you about anything you find interesting or need help understanding. And you've gotta love his accent! Yay for Duffy.

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ENG104B . 19 Years Ago

really interesting, funny, kind of silly, really really smart and expects a lot but not too much. Great professor and very smart guy, if you can take his modern literature class do it.

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ENGL104B . 19 Years Ago

I can't wait to go this class, Prof. Duffy just makes it so enjoyable. He is caring towards his students and doesn't expect us to be perfect geniuses nor does he underestimate us. Way smart, way interesting, great class, gotta love it.

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IRISHLIT . 20 Years Ago

Duffy is wonderful, interesting, intelligent and caring. His lilting accent and passion for Irish Lit. makes these classes some of the best at UCSB. Plus, he's just super nice.

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ENGLISH . 20 Years Ago

Go to his office hours- he is so helpful and LOVES meeting his students! Id never taken an English class before and he spent hours with me helping me understand everything from the grading and expectations to the material to UCSB in general.

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ENGL104B . 20 Years Ago

Very inspiring

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ENG150 . 20 Years Ago

Professor Duffy is the best professor in my college career thus far.

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ENGL150 . 20 Years Ago

He really knows his stuff, and he gives you a lot of slack (except on the tests).

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ENG104B . 20 Years Ago

He made me love college my first semester, taking his 'Cybergothic' class through CCS. He knows his****, and he's not afraid to use his massive intellect. And you know what? He's really, really nice.

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ENGL104B . 21 Years Ago

He could get interesting at times but he reads aloud in class too much and repeats himself a lot. Sometimes I walk out of class feeling that I got nothing out of it but he does make you think sometimes. He is kinda funny and has appealing accent.

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104B152 . 21 Years Ago

a rarity at any university, an actual teacher

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ENG150 . 21 Years Ago

very humorous. He makes people recite poems.

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IRISHLIT . 21 Years Ago

THIS IS A GOOD GUY. likes to have people read and recite in lecture, but in a friendly kind of way. dont be afeared

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