PSY 134
Karen Szumlinski
78 reviews

PSYCH3 . 19 Years Ago

This class is definately one of the hardest classes I have taken so far here. If you are interested in psych it should be pretty interesting, but the material is very hard to remember if you are not naturally good at science. Make flash cards and memorize all the objectives and you will be just fine. I am horrible at science and I am doing fine

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PSYCH3 . 19 Years Ago

this was a great class. the tests were very tough but she prepares you for them. you need to put in your time sudying and talk to the t.a. but a good class.

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PSYCH3 . 19 Years Ago

Szumlinski was a great professor. She was entertaining and really tried to get the point across. However, the content is amazingly difficult. Study hard for the difficult tests!

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PSY3 . 19 Years Ago

Amazing teacher, amazing person. Overall just an awesome class. Yes it is very difficult but DONT read instead really learn her lectures and understand everything she talks about in lecture. I did exactly that and got an A.

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PSY3 . 19 Years Ago

Hard class if you dont do the readings or show up for lecture. She can get pissed easy if she feels that students arent interested in her lecture. Funny lady and awesome lecturer, however the tests were difficult.

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PSYCH3 . 19 Years Ago

i really liked this class, it was definetly hard but if you keep up with the readings and go to all the lectures you'll do fine. she was a great teacher, makes it really clear what you have to know for the tests.

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PSY3 . 19 Years Ago

Great lecture notes posted online. She is really clear and easy to follow. Her tests are a little tricky, but the curve saves you.. Great prof!

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PSYCH3 . 19 Years Ago

Was a biopsych major before taking this class...turned me off completely. Not what I expected biopsych to be. The amount of material was considerable and you need to know a lot of detail. Great lecture notes though. I did not do any of the reading, and still got a B.

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PSYCH3 . 19 Years Ago

She sparked my intrest in biopsychology

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PSY3 . 19 Years Ago

Dr. K's the most down to Earth Professor on campus. She made me feel like her colleague. Her teaching style let me see things on a basic level without intellectual jargon.

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PSYCH . 19 Years Ago

Dr.K is really fun, can make any subject matter interesting!!

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PSYCH3 . 19 Years Ago

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BIOPSYCH . 19 Years Ago

Very fun and informative. Somehow makes Biopsych fun.

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PSYCH3 . 19 Years Ago

Dr. K had an awesome personality and she made the class as fun as possible. Her tests were hard, but does that on purpose to lower the curve so more people get the grades they deserve:)

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PSYCH3 . 19 Years Ago

she is really cool, but kinda crazy... tests are kinda hard

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PSY3 . 19 Years Ago

she's good. she made bio pysch seem so eay. i really liked her teaching still and her power point lectures. one of my best teachers thus far.

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PSY3 . 19 Years Ago

She was so nice and helpful especially when I went to her office hours. People say the last test was hard, but it really showed whether or not you understood the material, not that you just "studied" or memorized every lecture. This way, students really had to pay attention and think about how the information in relative to everyday life.

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PSYCH5 . 19 Years Ago

Her class was so much fun! She made the lectures VERY understandable and very interesting. The tests were fair if you came to lecture and read. As long as you do the work and keep up with lectures, it is an easy A.

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PSY3 . 19 Years Ago

Dr.K is a great! She may appear to be strict and stern at first, but she's actually very approachable. Lecture slides are overwhelmingly informative but tests are fair. Warning: the last exam was a bit more difficult than the midterms. Attending office hours helped.

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PSY3 . 19 Years Ago

She has that horrible "new teacher attitude" -- she's insecure in her new position a.k.a. she cannot tollerate any sort of challenge to her status. She insists that her exams cannot possibly have any typos and chastizes students for asking questions, presumably due to the fact that she feels threatened because she cannot give adequate answers.

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PSY3 . 19 Years Ago

Wow, i only attended 4 or 5 lectures through out the whole quarter and only show up for midterms and final and got D's on all of them and still end up with a C- in the class. she's such an understandable teacher. if you're near the borderline she'll give it to you.

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PSY3 . 19 Years Ago

straight forward style, both in her org of the class and her info for tests, worked hard to make class as student friendly as possible, fair with grades, style and presentation keeps students interested and understanding the material. Also has vast intelligence, great humor, made for a good experience in a tough intro class that is required

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PSYCHOLOGY3 . 19 Years Ago

This teacher is amazing! I loved her teaching style with her stories and funny add ins every now and then. She is very laid back, chill and unique. Her lectures are clear and to the point. However, I thought I might give the rest of you a heads up, since the class has that odd curve in it to filter out the non-majors the last test is really HARD!!!

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PSYCH3 . 19 Years Ago

Shes awesome, super funny sometimes, lectures are semi-entertaining. A lot of information on the tests and in the class. Her lectures are really clear and she is super good at explaining anything and everything she teachers. Great class

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