She clearly cares a lot for her students well being and success. She is very encouraging and you can talk to her about anything. She was very helpful when I was struggling a lot with mental health and gave me accommodations. She provides multiple ways of learning for diff students to grasp the concepts. She makes the course fun. Excellent teachr
She is one of if not the best professor I have had and I love this course. The content is really interesting and she teaches it so well. It is fairly difficult and there is a lot to get through but she makes it pretty easy to understand and is so willing to help her students. She also focuses on preparing you for a career by applying your knowled
Dr. Scudder's lectures can be rushed and word-heavy at times, but she does a good overall job of conveying the material. Exams are open-note, open-book, etc. but can still be challenging. Tutoring sessions with past students are offered & are extremely helpful before exams! Attend lectures, a few tutor sessions, do the readings & you'll be fine :)
Very fair and very helpful. Office hours for whatever you need! Organizes information well and if you study you should succeed!!
Dr, Scudder cares about your success!! Just do your best, take good notes and reach out if you need help.
Dr. Scudder is a FANTASTIC professor! Lectures are engaging and she has MANY resources if you're struggling. Her tests are hard(which she is very open about) but they are open-note, and aren't designed to trick you so if you know the material and have organized notes, it's very fair. She sets you up to succeed, you just need to put in the effort!
Professor Scudder is an amazing lecturer who cares deeply about neuropsych. I really enjoyed all her lectures and her exams, despite them being slightly challenging, she does an exceptional job preparing you for them.
Overall, her class structure was great her lectures were clear and quizzes were fairly easy. Exams are the hardest part of the class (duh) and something you need to spend some time for. She also goes very fast in lectures so be prepared to switch up the note-taking style. Overall very great class :)
People out here complaining need to learn better study habits, this class really isn't that hard if you apply yourself. Yea she is monotonous and I struggle to not fall asleep in her lectures, but she has a super organized gaucho space and provides lots of opportunities for you to learn the material.
Her carnism and utter lack of regard for the suffering and well being of any other beings was made disgustingly apparent in her lectures and tutoring sessions
Easiest biology class I've ever taken because her exams are extremely fair and straightforward. Her slides are basically sufficient notes, and she is super helpful/willing to help with future career questions too! I don't think the textbook readings were necessary to complete, but some diagrams were helpful
Interesting material but very rushed through. Exams are unfair and unnecessarily challenging, even though they are online and open note. With the amount of content and the difficulty of the content, its really unfair that she expects students to take all the ideas and apply them into really weird Pokémon or food scenarios.
Dr. Scudder seems to really enjoy the information that she teaches and you can tell she is passionate. She goes really quickly during lecture so there is no way you can possibly write it all down but she posted the lectures. Tests are not bad until you get to the harder questions in which were really conceptual and confusing.
Exams were not based on material but more relying on students to APPLY information in conceptual questions. Also lectures felt very rushed, making it difficult to take notes or focus on what was being said. Overall interesting class but difficult to navigate.
Dr. Scudder is such a joy to have as a professor. She is clearly very passionate about what she does and is so well-informed. She clearly cares about her students and wants us all to succeed. PSY 106 is a lot to process, but she makes it understandable. I will miss her and this class, thank you Dr. Scudder!
Dr. Scudder is a great lecturer! The lectures, discussion and readings really helped for the exam. There were weekly quizzes but they weren't too bad and were based off lectures. Overall, she did well explaining the material and had review sessions before exams which helped a lot.
Dr. Scudder truly is a wonderful, brilliant professor. I was really nervous taking this class, because I struggled with a past bio class, but she definitely sets you up for success if you watch the lectures and take some gold notes. She really cares about students and it shows!
In the midst of this pandemic, she's honestly done an amazing job with creating well designed lecture recordings that keep you interested. She's v good at explaining and relating difficult concepts, too. Also love that the lectures are asynchronous. I'd definitely take her if you get the chance, she's amazing!!
Scudder is an amazing professor! Her lectures are very detailed and provides lots of examples. The exams weren't too bad and they're only weighted 15% each since you have a 8-10 pg research proposal paper that is 30% of your grade. You work on your paper and get feedback throughout the entire course during your lab sections so don't worry about it!
Dr. Scrudder was a pretty fair teacher overall. I had her for biopsychology which personally is where psychology gets a bit hard and confusing, but I did actually learn some useful things here. In my experience, she was slow to reply to messages and slower at grading than others. But that wasnt much of an issue in the long run.
Took her at CSUDH (psychopharmacology). I was worried about taking this class but she made it very interesting and easy to understand. 3 exams, 5 worksheets, 3 disc. There is a LOT of information to cover in this class especially if you are not familiar with science. Tests and worksheets are open notes. She is helpful and responds to questions.
Actually had her for 111 and 133. Both class have a two take home exams open for 5-6 days open note and all but are difficult and then around 4 worksheets for the quarter. 133 was a very interesting class, no textbooks super good prof! Records lectures and posts if you can't make it in person.
Professor Scudder is easily one of my favorite professors that I have had in my four years at UCSB! She split lectures up by topic, so everything was very organized. The lectures themselves were incredibly concise yet somehow still very detailed, which I loved. Tests were challenging but not bad if you knew the material, weekly quizzes aren't bad.