Introduction to concepts, theory, and research within biopsychology. Topics may include: basics of nervous system signaling, sensory and motor systems, memory, homeostasis, reproduction, emotion, cognition and consciousness.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeAwesome professor-- great grading criteria, humorous, open to questions, straightforward tests, allows cheat sheets, etc. She wants students to succeed and it's incredibly obvious in her passion for teaching the material. Attend ULA sessions if you need help (they're a great resource); MCDB 6 and EEMB 7 are great preparation for the class.
i wish she taught all my classes. she was amazing and made it clear she wanted each and every one of us to succeed. i loved the way she organized the course so carefully.
Genuinely amazing and healed my trauma from the bio series. Noncumulative exams with cheat sheet (use it! so helpful), and questions are not trying to trick you. Also gave an easy extra credit point. Has lots of opportunities for studying/getting help, she wants you to succeed!
Dr. Scudder is the best! Three exams which are not cumulative with double sided cheat sheets able to be used on the exams. ULAs for the course with tutoring sessions to help you succeed.
Absolutely amazing. I wish I could take all my courses under Prof Scudder. She is so organized and loves what she teaches. Go to lecture, listen, study some and you'll do great!
I loved Dr. Scudder with a passion, not joking. She is great at explaining difficult topics and making them so simple. Also her 2sided papers she allows during the exam are life savers, great for studying too. You can copy down anything you'd like on there as long as it fits! She is by far the best professor i've had at UCSB, definitely recommend.