John Lee
108 reviews

HIS2A . Lee J W 6 Years Ago

Lectures did not correlate with the long and uninteresting readings assigned every week. Section helped tremendously, although that depends on your TA. DO NOT SLACK! I suggest making a study group with a few people to ease the workload, especially when studying for the final. Overall, he seems like a passionate dude but not the best teacher.

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HIST2A . Lee J W 6 Years Ago

HIs lecture is confusing but you can skip if you keep up to date with the readings because you will hate yourself so so much otherwise! I never read a page of the Haywood and performed poorly on the multiple choice midterm. However, I knew the reader extremely well and ended up with an A in the class and on the short answer style final.

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HIST2A . Lee J W 6 Years Ago

He assigns obscenely long readings each week while giving lectures that are dry and tangentially related to those readings. His lectures are disorganized so it's super difficult to know what's important. MC midterm wasn't too bad but the final requires 2 blue books so be prepared to memorize a lot. Seems like a nice guy but not a great professor

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HIS2A . Lee J W 6 Years Ago

Professor Lee had some of the most itrevelant lectures to the class. Slides and lectures were very scattered and the sections did not help to address what was discussed in class. READ! You cant fall behind on the readings or else you wont pass. He does a poor job discussing the readings in lecture and their relation to what hes teaching

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HIST2A . Lee J W 6 Years Ago

Super nice guy but his class is tough and a little disorganized. There's not a lot of correlation between weekly readings and lecture, and section didn't help clarify things a whole lot either. The tests are hard too, so it's important to try and get as many points as you can elsewhere.

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HIS2A . Lee J W 6 Years Ago

No structure between lecture and section. Lectures are boring and include random information. Midterm was hard, had very specific and random multiple choice questions. Average for the class was a D. I would not recommend this class. He seems nice but he is not a good lecturer.

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111F . Lee J W 8 Years Ago

Professor Lee is awesome, definitely my favorite professor I have had. He cares so much about his students and is an awesome guy. Very fair grader, do the work and you will do well in his class. Usually lets you have either a sheet of notes for tests, or changes things up to make it more student-friendly.

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HIST111 . Lee J W 8 Years Ago

Prof Lee is a wonderful teacher and mentor. He is incredibly passionate about Greek history, and loves facilitating students' questions with thoughtful answers. Being in lecture, anyone can see his enthusiasm for the material being covered, and any questions students ask. His midterm/final are very fair, and essays are relevant to tests.

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111F . Lee J W 9 Years Ago

Prof Lee has by far been one of the coolest teachers at UCSB i've taken. He cares about the subject and about every student understanding the course. He has video lectures you watch at home and then spends all class going in depth on them. Low stakes quizzes every class and discussion for your participation grade, a research paper and a final.

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HIST111T . Lee J W 9 Years Ago

Prof Lee is an amazing person and great teacher. He is passionate about Greek history - speaks Greek too - and shares his enthusiasm with his students. I look forward to taking more classes with Prof Lee :)

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HIST2A . Lee J W 10 Years Ago

He was cool.

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111T . Lee J W 10 Years Ago

AMAZING PROFESSOR. He is very helpful and wants his students to succeed. But he does make you work for your grade. Do all the readings, fill out the study guides and participate. My favorite professor at UCSB.

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HISTORY2A . Lee J W 10 Years Ago

Does well to keep you interested for the whole hour & 15 minute lecture. Lectures are enjoyable. There is a lot of reading but make sure not to get behind because the final completely relies on you knowing and understanding the entire reader. Confucius is important for essays, the other books are not that important. Overall I loved him as a prof!

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HIS2A . Lee J W 10 Years Ago

Best class i have taken here at ucsb! Super fun and easy! Sections are mandatory however class is not! I only bought the reader and the Confucius book! Actually read the reader! Final is essays which are so fun and he gives u prompt in advance! TAKE HIS CLASS HE ROCKS!

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HIST2A . Lee J W 10 Years Ago

The only textbook you will really need is the Confucius and the reader. Class was boring but Professor Lee was a cool guy.

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HISTORY2A . Lee J W 11 Years Ago

Professor Lee is the best professor I've had at UCSB. His lectures really catch your attention and make you want to go to class. My quarter we had 3 papers and a final. The papers were tough but fair and the final was easy if you were prepared. He gives a good study guide and really wants you to do well. Got me to love world history.

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111F . Lee J W 11 Years Ago

Professor Lee is an excellent professor. His lectures are very clear and well organized. He is interesting when he talks and not bad to look at either. He is always really helpful and very available to talk with students. I would highly recommend taking any of his classes. I've taken both lower and upper division and they were great!

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HIST111B . Lee J W 14 Years Ago

Prof Lee is so interesting and intelligent, I love taking his classes. He is always experimenting with new ways to make learning better. He likes a lot of participation but is fair and understanding when a person is shy. I would highly suggest taking any of his upper division courses, I've never taken a lower with him.

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HIST2A . Lee J W 14 Years Ago

quiz was ok if you keep up with the readings, no midterm. Final exam was hard but questions were given to study for. And he is good to look at:)

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HIST2A . Lee J W 15 Years Ago

Fast talker and hard to keep up with. No midterm just simple MC questions. Final was kinda hard but he gives you the essay prompts in advance. I recommend actually paying attention in class if you want to do well possible record him since he does talk so fast. Great guy overall btw doesn't take kindly to cheaters!!!

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HIST2A . Lee J W 15 Years Ago

I hated this class. It was so boring. He never made lectures interesting and the midterm was difficult. He fixed the format for the final to make it better though. Make sure to review your notes several times to understand the material because he asks random multiple choice questions.

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HIST2C . Lee J W 15 Years Ago

Good Professor, keeps the entire class interested, great storyteller. Two Papers (3pg and 6pg). Mid Term and Final contain Essay, Maps and IDs. Lee gives you enough info prior to be prepared for all of it. We had 4 books and web readings. I'd Recommend.

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HIST111B . Lee J W 16 Years Ago

Professor Lee will tell you pretty much everything you need to do to get an A in his class. He will give you hints on what the quizzes will cover. His guideline for the final paper points you in the right direction. Plus, he's a interesting albeit laid back lecturer. Recommend taking a course from him.

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HIST111B . Lee J W 17 Years Ago

Lee is an awesome professor. Greek hist can be dry, but he is really cool, extremely knowledgable, and totally clear about what he wants you to know. A lot of the reading can be skipped if you pay attn to what he emphasizes in class and use the study guides. Midterm, final, and a couple easy document reviews. Definitely recommended for hist majors.

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